God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 720 When the blood moon appears, there must be evil spirits appearing in the world

Chapter 720 When the blood moon appears, there must be evil spirits appearing in the world
Seeing Steward Yu being so direct, Xia Zishang didn't beat around the bush with him, and asked directly, "Why is there a ghost in General Zhenguo's mansion?"

In a place like General Zhen Guo's Mansion, there is a person with such a vicious spirit as General Zhen Guo, and it is generally impossible to cause evil spirits.

But if there is an evil spirit, the evil spirit must be very powerful.

After all, what Xia Zishang was curious about was that, as the saying goes, there is a grievance, and a debt has an owner.

Could it be related to the young master who just died of illness?

"I'm ashamed to say it." Butler Yu coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said, "Our young master passed away a few days ago, and our wife was worried that the young master would be alone in the ground, so we must give our young master The young master is matched with a daughter-in-law from a yin marriage, who will accompany him underground."

Xia Zishang was speechless when he heard this.

The matter of yin marriage is very mysterious, and it cannot be matched casually at all, otherwise accidents are very likely.

It was I who caused trouble for the general's mansion of the town.

"Tell me in detail what happened." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she picked up her teacup and took a sip of tea.

After listening to the words, Butler Yu adjusted his breathing a little, and then his expression became serious.

His thoughts drifted back to the night when he brought the female corpse home from Li Dayuan's side.

Then, he told Xia Zishang in detail what happened that night.

The night was very dark that night, and for some reason, the moon in the sky was stained with a little blood, and a little red.

Old people often say that when a blood moon appears, there must be evil spirits appearing in the world.

At that time, when steward Yu led people out of Li Dayuan's shop, he saw the blood moon as soon as he looked up, but he already had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't have time to think too much at that time, because Sima Dao Long story short, on the night when the female corpse welcomes her back to the manor, she must complete the yin marriage ceremony.

Daoist Sima is the head of the Jiuxu Taoist Temple. He is also a well-known onmyoji in Kyoto. He has solved troubles for many nobles. The general's wife, the Min family, trusts him very much.

Therefore, Steward Yu didn't dare to delay, and quickly returned to the General's Mansion with the female corpse.

After arriving at the general's mansion, Taoist Sima had already prepared everything needed for the yin marriage ceremony.

The ceremony was held in the courtyard of the main courtyard.

The whole general of Zhen Guo has been in a gloomy atmosphere recently, the whole manor is plain, except for the master, all the servants have to wear sackcloth and mourning for the young master.

In the dark and misty night, dozens of servants in white filial piety knelt around a coffin, and an old man wearing a dark yellow Taoist amulet jumped up and down in front of the coffin with a bell in one hand.

On the other hand, Zhen Guo General Ouyang Fei and Min Shi were sitting on the chairs placed in the yard, both of them looked at the coffin in the middle of the yard with sad faces.

The dance that Taoist Sima danced around the coffin was very strange. He was like a frog, jumping around the coffin non-stop.

And his mouth is also muttering, unintelligible words.

After Steward Yu returned home, what he saw was such a strange and gloomy scene.

According to Daoist Sima's previous request, the coffin was outside the gate of the General's Mansion, and they could not enter the General's Mansion for the time being. They had to wait for their young master to personally welcome his daughter-in-law into the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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