God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 740 Who are you guys?

Chapter 740 Who are you guys?

According to the information provided by Li Dayuan's soul, the haunting female ghost was named Xuan Xiaodie before her death, and her family background was not considered wealthy. As for why she committed suicide by taking poison, Li Dayuan didn't know.

The sun was shining straight down, the carriage was pressed on the potholed path, and the body was slightly bumpy.

Xia Zishang in the car was shaken drowsily, sitting beside Xuanyuan Yelan, with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Yunyan, did you go out last night?" Xia Zishang asked with half-closed eyes and lazy phoenix eyes.

"Well, my subordinates came to inform me that my family doctor was back, so I went back." Seeing that Xuanyuan Yelan had reached this point, she continued, "Shang'er, I was planning to mention it to you. Regarding this matter, the two people I went back to see yesterday were not only the doctors in my mansion, but also my mother-in-law who was my savior. In addition to Uncle Xing, both of them are extremely gentle people, although they are not My relatives are better than relatives, the two of them have not been in the capital before, and I have no chance to introduce them to you. So I want to take this opportunity when you are both in Kyoto, let you meet and get to know each other."

Xia Zishang nodded without hesitation, "Of course that's fine, I have no objection."

Not to mention anything else, the other party was the one who saved Yun Yan's life, so this person is also her savior, so she naturally had to meet him in person.

"Well, then I'll make arrangements for you to rest for a while." Xuanyuan Yelan stretched out his arms and put his arms around Xia Zishang's shoulders, so that she could sleep more comfortably.

He has accepted his fate now, and Chang'er just can't stay idle.As long as she was happy, he had no choice but to let her go.

With Xuanyuan Yelan by his side, Xia Zishang was very at ease, and immediately nodded obediently, closing her eyes to rest.

The carriage shook all the way, and finally stopped in front of the gate of an ordinary farmer's house at the head of Qishan Village.

This is an extremely ordinary farm family. When Xia Zishang and the others got out of the car, they saw a thin woman in patched clothes standing in the yard feeding chickens.

The two asked the groom to stop and got out of the car.

Although Xia Zishang did not wear gold or silver, their appearance and elegant temperament were enough to show that they were not ordinary people.

"Who are you, who are you looking for?" Chen Shi timidly watched Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan walk in, feeling a little uneasy.

"Hello, I want to ask, do you know a woman named Xuan Xiaodie?" Xia Zishang just asked, and saw Chen's face change instantly.

Chen's body trembled first, and then two lines of clear tears flowed from those eyes, and he asked weepingly, "Of course I know, Xiaodie is my daughter! Woooooo, my lords, Is our Xiaodie's body in your place? After Xiaodie died, her father sold her body, and I didn't even have time to look at that child for the last time..."

The more Chen said, the more sad she became, and the tears flowed even more.

"Xuan Xiaodie's corpse is indeed on our side. Moreover, when it died, it was filled with resentment and obsession. Now its soul has fallen into evil ways. I came today to ask about Xuan Xiaodie's life, to see if there is any There is a way to resolve its obsession and prevent it from continuing to harm people. Otherwise, if Xuan Xiaodie is allowed to degenerate, it will have only one way to go." Xia Zishang directly said to Chen Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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