God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 742 That bastard has many women

Chapter 742 That bastard has many women

"My lord, where is my Xiaodie now? Woohoo, when Xiaodie died, I just went back to my mother's house. I couldn't even see her for the last time. I beg you to do me a favor and take Xiaodie's Give me back the corpse..." Chen said with a miserable expression on his face, and Xia Zishang almost got down on his knees.

"What do you want that dead girl's body for? You don't think it's bad luck! Let me tell you, I don't agree!" After finishing speaking, old man Xuan packed his money, flicked his sleeves and went into the house on his own.

Chen burst into tears, crying heartbreakingly, "Poor my daughter, she was deceived by that damned scholar, woo woo woo, Xiaodie, I'm so sorry!"

Chen's words made Xia Zishang's eyes brighten.

"What do you mean by that, Xiaodie's girlfriend is still alive? Didn't he follow Xiaodie to die for love?" Xia Zishang asked puzzled.

"That bastard has a lot of women, why would he die for Xiaodie! He ruined my family's Xiaodie's innocence, and now he is still on a high branch, and he is going to marry the daughter of a high official's family!"

"Then, Auntie, Xiaodie is complaining about the scholar you mentioned?" Xia Zishang asked again.

Chen shook her head, "No, Xiaodie wanted to die because her father opposed her being with the scholar. That child Xiaodie doesn't know the truth, and now we are the ones who are afraid of resentment..."

Xia Zishang felt that this was a breakthrough.

"Master, please, return Xiaodie's body to me?" Chen begged miserably.

It is quite understandable that after Chen's love for her daughter, Xia Zishang couldn't bear it, but she can't do anything now, "I'm sorry, Xuan Xiaodie has been buried in a secret marriage with someone else, and now no one is allowed to touch her body without authorization."

Chen's feet softened, and she cried, "It's all the fault of Liu Shusheng, he lied to my daughter!"

"Where is that Liu Shusheng now?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked.

"In the small two-story building at the west end of the village, he brings different girls home every day, and everyone in the village knows that he is not a good guy..." Chen cried and grabbed Xia Zishang's hand, "My lord, please Save my daughter, don't let her lose her mind."

"I will do my best." Xia Zishang couldn't guarantee it either, and could only tell the truth to Chen Shi.

But Chen was still grateful for Dade's continuous thanks, and then bowed and watched Xia Zishang leave.

The two got into the carriage again and drove towards the direction of the imperial capital.

Sitting in the carriage, Xia Zishang looked thoughtful, "Since Xuan Xiaodie is married to the young master, the first thing she will do next is to kill the most valuable person in the general's mansion. Yes, of course it is General Ouyang and his wife. But General Ouyang has too much evil spirit, Xuan Xiaodie is not so easy to attack him, so, if nothing unexpected happens, it will choose to attack his wife first tonight."

"Shang'er, what are you going to do?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked.

"Xuan Xiaodie is also a poor person, but this is not the reason why it can harm people. If it is obsessed and unwilling to let go of its obsession, then I have no choice but to wipe it out." Xia Zishang gently stroked her chin with her fingers "From this point of view, Xuan Xiaodie became an evil ghost because she hated her parents, but unfortunately, pity the mother of the world, her mother is a good person, she shouldn't be wronged, I have to let her know that she hates the wrong person. "

Also being a mother, Xia Zishang recalled Chen's tearful eyes just now, and felt uncomfortable, and wanted to do her best to help Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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