God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 748 Come on, Marshal Canopy

Chapter 748 Come on, Marshal Canopy
"Thank you for telling me this." Xia Zishang looked at Xuan Xiaodie and said to her, "Whether you are sincere or not, you are an evil spirit who has harmed others. Before tonight, Black and White Impermanence will come Looking for you, and dragging you to hell to redeem your sins."

"I understand that I will pay the price for my own mistakes." Xuan Xiaodie smiled slightly, and bowed to Xia Zishang, "Thank you for what you have done, my lord, Xiaodie is very grateful."

After finishing speaking, Xuan Xiaodie's figure turned into a misty mist and disappeared invisible.

After sending off Xuan Xiaodie, Xia Zishang ordered Yunluo to pass the news of her safe return out of the house and to Xuanyuan Yelan before returning to her room.

Because of the people from Yun'an, Xuanyuan Yelan has been very busy. Xia Zishang went out to cast ghosts tonight. Xuanyuan Yelan insisted on coming, but Xia Zishang couldn't bear to see Xuanyuan Yelan busy until too late, so he specially told him He doesn't come over.

Naturally, Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't resist her, so he had no choice but to agree. However, before he left, he specially told Xia Zishang that once he came back, he should let his subordinates inform him immediately, otherwise he would not be at ease.

After watching Yunluo send news to Xuanyuan Yelan, Xia Zishang did not go to accompany the three little buns, but slipped into the study room, locked the door, and entered the pawn shop of the Three Realms.

The pawnshop in the Three Realms was as picturesque as ever. After Xia Zishang entered the pawnshop, he heard the crisp sound of mahjong colliding.

Raising eyebrows and looking at the four people at the table, Xia Zishang saw Wangcai playing mahjong with the three immortal friends at a glance.

Among the three fairy friends, the only girl has a beautiful face, her skin is as fair as the moonlight in the sky, she is wearing a light blue dress, her eyebrows are picturesque, and there is a slight smile on her mouth, her demeanor As cold as the moon, the whole body is covered with a layer of shallow fairy clouds, which is as beautiful as a dream.

I saw this woman sitting in front of the table, with a sleeping little white rabbit in her arms, she seemed to be hesitating about how to play the cards next, gently pinching the wooden mahjong with jade hands, and she didn't let it go.

It is Fairy Chang'e.

Then look at the slightly fat man with a simple and honest appearance sitting next to Fairy Chang'e. Xia Zishang's saliva is about to flow down when he sees this man, isn't he the Marshal of the Canopy!

On the opposite side of Marshal Canopy, sat a child wearing a lotus decoration. His eyes were full of aura, two small balls were tied on the top of his head, a red lotus mark was placed between his eyebrows, and he was paired with the fiery red Huntian damask on his body. The Qiankun circle on his shoulder is actually the third prince Nezha.

This scene made Xia Zishang happy, and the corners of her lips curled up silently.

"Fairy, you have to think about it before you play your cards!" Wangcai was sitting opposite Fairy Chang'e. He had obviously lost a lot, and with tears in his eyes, he said pitifully to Chang'e, " Fairy, I have lost all my money from marrying a wife, if I lose again, I will be naked!"

Fairy Chang'e smiled softly, "I will try my best."

"Yes, yes, sister Chang'e, just do your best, don't put any pressure on yourself, at worst, Brother Zhu will let you." Marshal Tianpeng brushed his hair chicly, and flirtatiously cast a wink at Chang'e.

Nezha looked disgusted when he heard the words, "Come on, Marshal Tianpeng, it's been so many years, why are you still like this? My sister Chang'e doesn't like you."

(End of this chapter)

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