God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 752 She Looks Like a Seduced Fairy

Chapter 752 She Looks Like a Seduced Fairy
"Why are you becoming more and more useless?" Jiang Yuxiang said, pushing Xuanyuan Mu away impatiently, "Forget it..."

Xuanyuan Mu was so happy that he was on the verge of crying, but Jiang Yuxiang pushed him down and rode on him.

"Forget it, I'll do it if you can't move." After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuxiang squeezed Xuanyuan Mu again.

This time Xuanyuan Mu was almost killed by Jiang Yuxiang, and he endured it so hard that he didn't pass out.

Jiang Yuxiang, on the other hand, seemed to be finally satisfied. Her face was flushed, and her expression was lazy and tired, which formed a sharp contrast with Xuanyuan Mu's sunken cheeks.

After Jiang Yuxiang gave Xuanyuan Mu a disgusted look, he got up and began to get dressed.

"You want to go out?" Xuanyuan Mu looked at Jiang Yuxiang to leave, thinking that she was going to find other men, and felt uncomfortable at the moment.

Xuanyuan Mu didn't know why, he just wanted to possess Jiang Yuxiang, so that this woman only had him in her eyes, so even though he was very tired, he was still trying to satisfy Jiang Yuxiang.

But Jiang Yuxiang is like a bottomless pit that can't be filled, every time Xuanyuan Mu's life is shortened by two years.

"I still have things to do, I have to go out." Jiang Yuxiang said, already wearing a strapless skirt, and she was dressed extremely enchantingly.

"What can you do?" Xuanyuan Mu asked in a low voice.

Hearing the words, Jiang Yuxiang turned to look at Xuanyuan Mu.

Like a seductive goblin, she quietly approached Xuanyuan Mu.

Xuanyuan Mu's heart was beating wildly, and Jiang Yuxiang whispered in his ear, "Secret."

Xuanyuan Mu's bones were numb from the shock, he shook his body immediately, and watched Jiang Yuxiang leave the room impatiently.

After Jiang Yuxiang went out, a woman in a black dress came over respectfully and knelt at her feet, "Master."

If you take a closer look, you can see that the woman in the black skirt has a strange expression and movements, her complexion is ashen as dead, and her movements are even more rigid, like a marionette, with a strange aura all over her body .

Jiang Yuxiang asked in a calm tone like a high-ranking queen, "Mo Fan, have you done everything I asked you to do?"

"Yes, the dharma altar is ready, just wait for the body of the young master of Ouyang's family to be dug up, then we can do it." Mo Fan said respectfully.

"Very good, then follow me to the ancestral grave of Ouyang's family." Jiang Yuxiang smirked twice, and rushed out of the spot quickly, with Mo Fan following her closely.

The master and servant left the capital and came to Ouyang Mountain outside the capital.

This mountain is owned by the Ouyang family, and the ancestral grave of the Ouyang family is here, but all members of the Ouyang family will be buried here after a hundred years.

The young master who died of illness in Ouyang's family is now buried in a picturesque canyon on the mountain.

This is not the first time for Mo Fan to come here. After arriving at Ouyang Mountain, she led Jiang Yuxiang into the mountain with ease and found the canyon.

Altars for casting spells have been prepared in the canyon. In the five-meter-wide jars, there are pigs' heads, sheep's heads, and bull's heads. There are even seven chickens tied with red strings on the side of the jar.

In front of the stall is a table for casting spells, on which there are four lit white candles in addition to offerings and a censer for offering incense.

Strange to say, the wind in this canyon is obviously strong, but the flickering light of the candle cannot be blown out by the wind no matter what.

Jiang Yuxiang looked at all this and was very satisfied, then turned his gaze and locked on the tomb of the young master in front of him.

 Two chapters are added during the day, and there are relatively few rewards recently, so let’s give a unified thank you every other day in the future.Hey, what!Good night

(End of this chapter)

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