Chapter 754

"Good baby, eat quickly, eat more." Jiang Yuxiang knew very well that as long as Ouyang Rong finished eating, it would become a loyal puppet under her hands.

Jiang Yuxiang smiled slightly, watching Ouyang Rong catch the last cock.

The rooster was terrified, unwilling to be caught by Ouyang Rong, so frightened it got down, and with a puff, a ball of chicken feces flew out of its ass, like a hidden weapon, and hit Jiang Yuxiang directly on the forehead .

Jiang Yuxiang clearly felt a weird sticky touch from her forehead, and the chicken feces was flowing down her forehead, leaving behind a very pungent stench.

"Ahhh!" Jiang Yuxiang's body shook, and he let out a scream that almost collapsed.

"Mo Fan! Quick, come here and help me get rid of this disgusting thing!" Jiang Yuxiang's screams changed, and Mo Fan rushed over in fright, raised his sleeve and wiped Jiang Yuxiang's face vigorously.

Who knew that Jiang Yuxiang's screams became louder when Mo Fan wiped it!

That lump of chicken feces was originally thin feces, but now Mo Fan wiped it on Jiang Yuxiang's face, making her face covered with fecal yellow chicken feces, and the disgusting stench penetrated into her nostrils. It made her retch all the time.

To Jiang Yuxiang, chicken shit all over his face is not only a physical disgust, but also a psychological one!

"Hurry up and bring water!" Jiang Yuxiang was about to go mad, and ordered angrily.

Only then did Mo Fan come to his senses, took out the water bag on his waist, and washed Jiang Yuxiang's face.

Jiang Yuxiang just washed off the chicken feces all over her face, but the smell of chicken feces was still very strong, as if it had stuck to her skin and couldn't be washed off no matter what.

Jiang Yuxiang suppressed the rage in his heart, and turned to look at Ouyang Rong in the altar.

Ouyang Rong had already eaten the heads of the seven chickens, and it was covered in blood.

There is not much difference between Ouyang Rong now and just now, the only difference is that there is an additional mark of will-o'-the-wisp on its neck, and the four will-o'-the-wisps form a circle shape, and a strange blue light glows on its neck.

Ouyang Rong left the altar, walked up to Jiang Yuxiang and knelt down, "See Master."

Jiang Yuxiang was very satisfied. She stretched out her hand, touched Ouyang Rong's small face, and said with a vicious smile, "Little baby, I will depend on you from now on..."

After saying this, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't bear the smell on his body, and asked Mo Fan to leave behind the aftermath, while he took Ouyang Rong and left Ouyang Mountain first.

The eventful night finally passed.

Thanks to Xia Zishang's help, Ouyang's family finally did not continue to die.

The Min family sincerely worshiped the Buddha, and went to the temple to burn incense early the next morning.

Ouyang Fei was worried about his beloved wife who had just recovered, so he went with Mrs. Min early.

After burning the incense and coming back, Ouyang Fei was the first to get out of the carriage, then refused the servant's hand, and helped Min to get off the carriage with his own hands, "Madam, are you tired?"

"Not tired." Min said with a slight smile.

"Recently you have worked so hard and didn't eat well. You seem to be hungry and thin." Ouyang Fei said worriedly, "Before I went out this morning, I specially asked my cook to cook you your favorite side dishes. How long will you eat?" Eat some."

Ouyang Fei was tall and thick, and he was a military commander. It was hard to imagine that he would be so careful when dealing with the Min family.

Mrs. Min nodded gently, and said, "Thanks to Master Xia Ye, I was able to recover. Now our house is finally stable. When the master comes, we have to thank him very much."

After saying that, Min's and Ouyang Fei held hands and planned to enter the door.

 Two chapters and more are here!Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Thank you for your heartache, Junjun, Yinmei, Yingbao, Europa, user 262185060 for your tip~ Meme!
(End of this chapter)

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