God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 766 Who wants to make trouble with me

Chapter 766 Who wants to make trouble with me
Thinking about reopening the tomb, Xia Zishang asked Ouyang Fei to choose a few middle-aged men who matched Ouyang Rong's birthday to go with them.

Because Min's body has just recovered, it is not suitable to go to the cemetery. After Xia Zishang and Ouyang Fei explained the situation, Ouyang Fei insisted not to let Min's accompany, but let her stay in the mansion to wait for news.

When Xia Zishang and Ouyang Fei brought people to Ouyang Rong's grave, Ouyang Fei saw a scene that was enough to make him collapse!
I saw that Ouyang Rong's tomb had become a mess. There were sticky and blackened blood stains around the tomb. The tomb was opened, the coffin was exposed outside, and the coffin lid was thrown aside. Only Xuan Xiaodie's body remained inside corpse.

Ouyang Rong's body was gone.

"How could this happen?! How could this happen!" Ouyang Fei never expected that he would see this scene, and for a moment he couldn't accept this fact, his eyes were red and he roared, "Rong'er! Where is Rong'er going!"

Compared to Ouyang Fei's restlessness, Xia Zishang looked much calmer at this time. She walked slowly around the grave, except for a few messy chicken feathers and bloodstains that don't know whether it was human or animal, there was nothing but Nothing else was found.

Touching her chin, Xia Zishang's eyes flashed a gloomy pensive look.

Judging from her past experience, this young master Ouyang is most likely a dead body.

Should not be ah.

Young Master Ouyang died of illness, not suddenly. Even if he had resentment towards this world, the resentment would not be too strong. After all, apart from his poor health, he was also held in the palm of Ouyang Fei and his wife during his lifetime. Beloved.

Even if the corpse changes, it shouldn't be so fast.

Generally, only people who died violently would change so quickly after death.

"Master Xia, why didn't you speak? Where did Rong'er go? What's going on!" Seeing Xia Zishang's calmness, Ouyang Fei rushed in front of her and asked her loudly.

At this moment, his mind is full of what the middle-aged man he met this morning said.

He has been through the battlefield for a long time, and at this age, he has long regarded life and death very lightly, but what he can't bear is that his son will continue to be tortured, and he will not live in peace after death.

"General Ouyang, please be safe and don't be impatient." Xia Zishang said in a deep voice, "This matter is probably caused by someone."

"I, Ouyang, devote myself to serving the country, and I have never turned against anyone! Who is going to make things difficult for me and harm my son?!" Ouyang Fei clenched his fists and asked with scarlet eyes.

Xia Zishang thought for a while and said, "General Ouyang, you said that you and Mrs. Ling met an onmyoji this morning. And now the young master's body is gone. Don't you think it's too coincidental that all this happened? ?”

After Xia Zishang's reminder, Ouyang Fei was enlightened, and his irritable mood calmed down a lot in an instant.

"Then according to Master Xia's meaning?"

"Did that person leave any message for the general? I want to meet him for a while." Xia Zishang said slowly.

"Then about Rong'er now..."

"General Ouyang, don't worry. If the young master really turned into a dead body, it would not dare to come out during the day. The power of the dead body that has just turned into a dead body is not very strong, so it must not be able to run far. It is daytime, and the living don't have to Afraid of the corpse, you can send more people to look for the young master now. Remember, if you haven’t found it by dusk, you can’t continue looking for it. You must go back to the mansion first, and I will go to the mansion in person tonight Last trip." Xia Zishang said to Ouyang Fei methodically.

(End of this chapter)

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