God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 781 Only the Ghost King Can Order It

Chapter 781 Only the Ghost King Can Order It

It was about to go up to say hello, but Chun Yu walked past it without looking sideways, and came to Mo Bei who was guarding the carriage.

"Brother Mo Bei, when did you come back?" Chun Yu walked up to Mo Bei and asked with a smile.

"A few days ago." With a rare smile on Mo Bei's cold face, he replied to Chunyu.

The dead head stood still and listened to what they said.

"My lord is going to stay here tonight to eat with my wife and the young masters. You don't have to guard here. There is a tavern nearby. The dishes are good and the wine is good. May I invite you?" Chun Yu asked with a smile .

Hearing this, the dead head could no longer listen anymore, it clearly heard the voice of its own heartbreak.

It moved with its hands and feet, and floated into the room like a wandering spirit.

After dinner, Xuanyuan Yelan played with the children in the yard, and Xia Zishang took this opportunity to ask Nuwa Shenjing about the beads, and then went to Ouyang Mansion.

After Xia Zishang returned to her room, she immediately took out the Nuwa mirror from the space storage.

Gently touching the mirror surface with her green fingers, Xia Zishang said to Jingli in the mirror, "Jingli, come out for a while, I have something important to ask you."

"What's the matter? Don't you know I'm busy?" Jingli complained, but her body got out of the mirror very cooperatively.

The young man in a white robe had his hair loose at the moment, his sleepy eyes yawned fluffy, and he looked like he had just woken up.

Xia Zishang glanced at Jingli with disgust, "You said you were busy, but you were busy sleeping?"

"Why, can't you?" Jingli folded her hands lazily, looked at Xia Zishang and said, "Hey, you called me out, you didn't want to argue with me, did you?"

"I have something important to ask you." Xia Zishang took out the dark blue bead, put it in front of Jingli and asked, "Help me see, is this bead a Yin spirit bead?"

Jingli glanced at Yin Lingzhu, and her face changed suddenly. The lazy look on her face just now disappeared completely, and her handsome face was so condensed that it was almost frozen, "Where did you get this thing?"

"So, this bead is really a Yin Lingzhu?" Xia Zishang looked at Jingli with such a big reaction, and his eyes were a little darker looking at the Yin Lingzhu.

Jingli nodded with a condensed expression, "You know the Yin Lingzhu, right? It's a treasure in the hands of the Ghost King, and I think you should have heard of the Nine Nether Underworld led by the Ghost King."

"I've heard about it. This bead is really a Yin spirit bead. How could it appear in the human world?" Xia Zishang stared at the blue Yin spirit bead and said.

Jingli took a deep breath to calm down, and then said worriedly, "The appearance of the Yin Lingzhu means that the ghost king is likely to come to the world again. At that time, there will definitely be a bloody storm in the Three Realms. Not a good sign."

"Why do you decide that the ghost king will appear with the Yin Lingzhu? Could it be that someone else stole the Yin Lingzhu and brought it to the human world?" Xia Zishang asked puzzled.

"This is impossible. Because the Yin Lingzhu is a spiritual thing, it will not obey anyone else's orders. In the whole world, even in the Three Realms, only the ghost king can order it, and no one else can do it. "Jing Li said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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