God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 795 I Shouldn't Refining Corpse Oil

Chapter 795 I Shouldn't Refining Corpse Oil

The ferocious appearance of his wife and daughter that he saw just now seemed to be just an illusion. At this moment, Qiao Shi and Mo Xiaomei were covered in slashes, making them look particularly miserable.

Mo Wenxian was splashed with blood all over his body, he shook his head vigorously, unable to believe what he saw before his eyes.

This is impossible, he clearly saw three monsters just now, but why everything changed again when his eyes flickered!
"Why?" Qiao stared angrily at Mo Wenxian, his mouth moved feebly, and finally he couldn't breathe.

The baby boy in Qiao's arms was crushed under her body. At the beginning, the baby boy cried out with all his might, until he was crushed and suffocated to death.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, Mo Wenxian opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he vomited uncontrollably as soon as he opened his mouth.

With a pale face, he lost the hatchet, staggered and rushed to the basin, frantically scrubbing his blood-stained hands.

But the blood on his hands could not be washed off, until the basin full of clear water was stained with blood.

"I didn't do it, it wasn't me, it wasn't me." Mo Wenxian cried and scrubbed his hands vigorously, completely ignoring Qiao's body that was lying on the ground, and suddenly stood up.

Qiao's neck was almost cut off by Mo Wenxian, she hung her head, flew behind Mo Wenxian, raised her hand to press his head, and buried his whole face in the basin.

The strong smell of blood choked into his mouth and nose, and Mo Wenxian struggled frantically.

But Qiao's strength was terrifying, he had no strength left to struggle, so he could only keep waving his hands.

Qiao's creepy laughter came from next to his ear, and Mo Wenxian's consciousness gradually faded away, until he felt that he was about to be suffocated to death, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he suddenly raised his head in shock.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Mo Wenxian cried and begged for mercy loudly, his frightened eyes quickly swept around.

I saw that the bloody room just now was gone, Qiao Shi was sitting on the side of the bed feeding the baby boy, and Mo Xiaomei was standing beside him with a clean cloth towel.

And he returned to the time when he washed his hands before eating.

"Daddy, wash up quickly, it's time for us to eat." Mo Xiaomei said with a blank expression while holding a cloth towel.

"No, I won't eat, I won't eat...!" Mo Wenxian recalled the terrible scene just now, and pushed Mo Xiaomei away fiercely.

Mo Xiaomei staggered, hit the ground with her head, and broke her forehead.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..." Mo Xiaomei suddenly sneered, she ignored the blood on her head, and the child who looked only seven or eight years old had great strength, so she rushed over and grabbed Mo Wenxian. Drag him to the dining table.

The delicate food on the table turned into a transparent glazed jar, filled with all kinds of poisonous insects, including pitch-black centipedes, dark purple scorpions, and fist-sized spiders.

"Sister, you must be hungry, shall we come and eat?" Qiao stood up gently, and she put the baby boy in her arms on the bed, then walked to the table step by step, picked up the chopsticks and stretched them into the bed. jar.

Guessing what Qiao Shi wanted to do, Mo Wenxian cried and begged for mercy, "My lady, I was wrong, I am not human, I should not have killed you, nor should I have killed our child! I was wrong , I shouldn’t refine corpse oil to practice sorcery, I’m a beast, I must change, please let me go, I beg you!”

Mo Wenxian screamed, completely unaware that everything he experienced now was seen by the guests in Fuze Pavilion through the mirror.

After hearing what Mo Wenxian said, the guests all widened their eyes in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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