God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 885 I want to kiss~

Chapter 885 I want to kiss~
Xia Zishang raised her hand to cover her eyes, for fear that she would be so disgusted by this eerie scene that she would not be able to eat.

Yun Suxian almost vomited, she took a step back in disgust, "Get out!"

"Don't, don't, I want to kiss~~" Nanny Lin opened her stinky mouth, pointed at Yun Suxian's delicate face, and kissed several times, making her face drool .

Yun Suxian was frightened and disgusted, and in the end she was directly pressed to the ground by the powerful Nanny Lin behind the ghost.

Rubbing Yun Suxian's face against the ground with one hand, Nanny Lin rode on Yun Suxian's back, reached out and touched Yun Suxian's buttocks.

"Concubine Xian's figure is really hot, Your Majesty is really lucky!" Nanny Lin said, as if hitting an animal, she slapped Yun Suxian's ass twice.

"Stop it!" Yun Su Xianqi struggled frantically, she sat up suddenly and overturned Nanny Lin who was riding on her.

"Ah!" Nanny Lin fell back unexpectedly, and fell unconscious on the back of her head.

Yun Suxian was frightened and cried, she subconsciously wanted to run away, ignoring the tears on her face and Nanny Lin's saliva.

How could it be possible to give Yun Suxian a chance to escape, Xia Zishang pulled out the whip and swung it out, just entangled Yun Suxian's feet.

"Don't catch me, Rong Chang is here, I was wrong, I shouldn't run on you before, you let me go!" Yun Suxian was so frightened that she burst into tears, she didn't even dare to turn her head, thinking that Rong Chang was here The white silk around her neck tied her up.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang couldn't help but smirked, and then pulled her hand.

The spirit whip immediately collapsed into a straight line in the air, dragging Yun Suxian to the ground.

"Help!" Yun Suxian screamed, slammed her face to the ground, smashed a front tooth, and fell unconscious with a mouth full of blood.

"Tsk tsk, I can't help but be scared." Rong Changzai came out of Nanny Lin who was also unconscious, and smacked her lips.

"Miss, are you satisfied?" Rong Chang smiled and approached Xia Zishang and asked.

"Satisfaction is satisfaction, but, I think what you did just now seems to be revenge for personal revenge?" Xia Zishang looked at Rong Changzai and asked.

"To tell you the truth, before I entered the palace, I was once harassed by Concubine Xian's family. That person touched my butt, but Concubine Xian made peace with it, and even tried every means to wear all kinds of small shoes for me after I entered the palace. , although I didn't have a blood feud with her, but I got revenge today, it's still very enjoyable." Rong Changzai said happily.

"This time counts as you helping me once, plus you still did your duty after escaping, and you didn't kill anyone. I will help you find Bai Wuchang to intercede, so that you will suffer less after you go to the underworld." Xia Zi Chang said.

"Thank you, girl." Rong Changzai nodded gratefully, then obediently transformed into an illusory shadow, and got into the hexagonal palace bell on Xia Zishang's waist.

There is a space inside the palace bell, which can trap the souls Xia Zishang caught, and when she catches more, she can send these souls to Bai Wuchang.

Xia Zishang's gaze then lightly fell on Yun Suxian and Nanny Lin who fell unconscious on the ground.

Just as Xia Zishang was thinking about how to deal with these two unconscious people, a burst of flames slowly entered from outside the hall and walked over.

"Ma'am." A few hidden guards walked in quickly, and the leader was Mo Bei.

"Mo Bei, why are you here?" Xia Zishang looked at Mo Bei unexpectedly and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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