Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1021 Murong laughs at the big liar!

Chapter 1021 Murong laughs at the big liar!

Emperor Dezheng really didn't know how he could manage this chaotic situation while preventing other countries from invading.

Now that the prince came back, a raised heart instantly fell into his belly.Only now did he realize the importance of the crown prince in his heart.

After Murong Xiao went to Xiliang with Qian Yeming behind his back, Murong Qingyu had already confirmed Murong Xiao's betrayal.At this moment, he wished he could tear up the woman who played him on top of the applause and feed it to the dogs.

But when he thought that Murong Xiao knew about their conspiracy, he was in a cold sweat while being ruthless.

Qingyun and Yan'er told him to leave a long time ago, but he stayed to save the [-] troops hiding in the east.Although there are only [-] Murong family troops in the southeast, this is also one of his most precious family assets for decades.

There are 10 troops that have been wiped out by Qian Yechen's design, he can't just watch these [-] troops also be wiped out by Dongxiang inexplicably.

Unexpectedly, what he waited for was not the rescuers from Nanyue, but Murong Xiao, the life-threatening talisman.

The Divine Sect told them that Yelu Boyang had already formed an alliance with the Divine Sect and would find a way to keep Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao in Xiliang.Unexpectedly, they now appeared in front of him silently.To him, this is tantamount to a slap in the face.

Seeing Emperor Dezheng holding Qian Yeming with one hand and Murong Xiao with the other, he led them up the ladder of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and then separated them on both sides of the throne, and told the civil and military officials in South Vietnam that from today onwards, the prince will start to supervise In the country, the military and political power of the entire South Vietnam was handed over to the crown prince, who could inherit his throne at any time in case of an emergency. When he was replaced, Murong Qingyu finally understood that he had been put aside.

Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao jointly slapped him hard.

Although he didn't understand why Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao could turn into a loving couple from a hostile standpoint in just one year, but he knew that everything Murong Yan said was true.

This Murong Xiao came from another time and space, and he didn't have any love for his family, Qingyun.From the beginning, she has been lying to him, to Qingyun, to Yan'er, to all of them!

Now he knew, but it was too late.

Murong Qingyu stood in the Hall of Virtue in a sweat profusely, quickly thinking about the way out.

At this moment, the hall is full of Emperor Dezheng's people, and standing next to the damned Qian Yeying is Murong Xiao, a martial arts abnormal super agent from around 2000.

With all her poison and martial arts, he was not at all sure of capturing Emperor De Zheng or Qian Yeming.

However, there are tens of thousands of imperial guards outside, and the commander of the imperial guards belongs to him, so if he can escape from the palace, he may still be able to escape.

Just when Murong Qingyu wanted to retreat for himself, and was always ready to risk his life to escape, Emperor Dezheng suddenly announced his retreat from the court.

Murong Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and glanced at his eyes and nose, nose and heart, he had no intention of exposing his old Murong Xiao in the court, and felt a little confused for a moment, not knowing what Murong Xiao meant and what he was planning to do.

With such a good opportunity to take him down on the spot and put him to death, why didn't she expose him?

Could it be that Murong Xiao decided to return to the God Sect because he knew that he was a person valued by the leader of the God Sect?
Could it be that Murong Xiao and Qian Yeming just teamed up temporarily, and their relationship is not as good as he imagined?
(End of this chapter)

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