Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1023 Feeling of Fear

Chapter 1023 Feeling of Fear
Murong Qingyu sat on the seat as if in a state of collapse, picked up a cup of tea and drank it down. After drinking a large cup of tea, he calmed down and said with lingering fear: "Qian Yeming and Murong Xiao came from west China safely. Cool is back!"

"What?" Mr. Jing asked in surprise, "Then...then how did you come back, my lord?"

"Hey..." Murong Qingyu sighed, and he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant: "I just came back like that. Murong Xiao and Qian Yeming didn't expose the old man in front of the civil and military officials of the court. I'm back."

Mr. Jing was silent for a moment and said: "In this way...the Lord's great cause may not be fully known to Qian Yeming, and Murong Xiao didn't tell him about the Murong Mansion."

"That's what this old man thinks too. He must have known about Qian Yeming's plotting. Now that the poison in his body has been detoxified, there is no reason to let this old man go so easily!"

"That's right. Murong Xiao and Yan'er are both super agents. If Yan'er knows that the marshal's mansion is full of secret passages, it's impossible for Murong Xiao not to know. Letting you back like this is tantamount to returning the tiger to the mountain. What are they doing?" What do you think?" Mr. Jing thought hard, and then said again:

"Perhaps, she doesn't want to kill you!"

"Oh? What do you say?"

Murong Qingyu is in chaos now, and now that he has returned by luck, he will wonder whether he can keep the 10 troops.People are always like this, wanting more things.

"As we said before, if Murong Xiao and Murong Yan are really two souls who have traveled here from the future, then they will not have any enemies or friends here. Murong Yan fell in love with the young master, and Murong Xiao, we But I still don't know what she wants."

Feeling that what Mr. Jing said was quite right, Murong Qingyu nodded and said, "Go on."

"Then let's imagine that if Murong Xiao falls in love with Qian Yeming, then in order to please him, Qian Yeming will absolutely know everything about the Marshal's Mansion. And Qian Yeming is so fond of Qian Yeying now, Qian Yeying must also know about it. Marshal's business.

We don't know about Qian Yeming, but you, my lord, do understand Qian Yeying's character.If he knows about you, then you will definitely not get out of the court today.But you are back. "

"This shows what?"

"It means that Murong Xiao hasn't, or hasn't told the father and son about you yet."

"That is to say, the old man can still stay in the capital?" Murong Qingyu's mind was confused at the moment, and what Mr. Jing said coincided with what he thought.

If he runs away now and reappears, he will be a rebel and a traitor. By then, let alone having an army of 50, even if he has an army of one million, then his name will not be justified.

Even if Yan'er has cannons, they are sure to win no matter what, but after a hundred years, a thousand years, when they talk about his Murong family, they will always be marked as disloyal, filial, benevolent and unrighteous.

But if they stayed, the Peace Palace would change, or... or Qian Yeying and Qian Yeming died suddenly, then everything would be different.

"My lord, absolutely not!" Mr. Jing immediately stopped Murong Qingyu's unrealistic thoughts.

"Although I don't know what kind of consideration Murong Xiao has, but from her detoxification of Qian Yeming, it can be seen that she is not the same as us.

(End of this chapter)

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