Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1065 Your Highness, Your Butt!

Chapter 1065 Your Highness, Your Butt!

She also refused to recognize the identity of the emperor, scolding the emperor for nothing.

Under Lord Wang's impartial law enforcement, such a crime of disrespect should have been punished by death according to the South Vietnamese law, but the emperor was merciful, so he lightly ordered someone to beat Concubine Ye 50 times, and also ordered someone to send her back In the bedroom, the ointment was delivered.

After the news spread, everyone felt that Concubine Ye was too immodest, too stupid and naive.The emperor is actually not as cruel as he said before, but he is actually very kind and kind.

When His Royal Highness Qian Yechen woke up from the coma, after hearing about Concubine Ye and the occupation of Prince Cheng's mansion, he spit out a mouthful of blood, frightened Princess Cheng's pear blossoms with dew, and hurried to find the imperial physician.

But when I went to the imperial hospital, I found out that all the imperial physicians were called by the emperor to the Caixia Hall to give the empress a pulse, so I had to send someone to the Caixia Hall to invite them.

After waiting for a long time, the maid finally came back.

"Where's the imperial doctor?" Cheng Wang looked at the empty space behind the maid, not even a ghost, and instantly became furious.

The maid leaned down and said, "Concubine Cheng, please calm down. The emperor said that the imperial physicians treat the master in the palace. His Royal Highness Cheng Wang has already settled down outside the palace. If you are sick, you can ask the doctor of Cheng Wang's mansion to see the doctor.

The emperor also said that now the empress is pregnant and needs the careful care of the imperial physician.So the imperial doctor is not free to come. "

Although the maid was talking outside the palace, the palace wasn't that big, and Qianyechen listened even more when he knew that the maid was back, but when he heard what the maid said, he became even more furious , Spit out another mouthful of blood.

The body was severely injured, and he was so angry that he vomited blood continuously. In addition, the old wound that caused the internal organs to be damaged due to the rush of zhenqi in the body caused by the rage attack had not healed. Qianyechen only felt that his entire chest was burning. Like a volcano about to explode.

Thinking back on his previous relationship with Gaifeng, the leader of the dark night, Qianyechen knew that no matter how stupid he was, he was sold by that nasty bastard Gaifeng!
"Your Highness, where are you going?" Seeing Qian Yechen put on his coat and stumbling towards the outside, Princess Cheng was horrified and immediately pulled him back.

But how could a weak Princess Cheng be able to stop Qianyechen who was in extreme anger?

Throwing Princess Cheng away with one hand, Qianyechen flew out of the palace with his hair disheveled.

At that time, in order to please the emperor, the imperial guards beat the 50 big boards very hard, which can be said to have used all their energy, so the injury on the back of Qianyechen's buttocks can be said to be a muscle and bone injury.

Not only the sciatic nerve was injured, but even the thigh meridians and lumbar spine were severely injured.With such an injury, even a person with internal strength would never get out of bed without lying in bed for ten and a half months.

But Qian Yechen, who was so angry that he had lost his throne and money, and was dependent on others, how could he care about his internal injuries.At this moment, all he wanted was to find that damn bastard, and then kill him to vent his anger!

He could find An Ye's business place in the capital, but he just didn't know if he was lucky enough to meet that Gai Feng who sold his Cheng Wang Mansion to his greatest enemy.

Although Qianyechen had already used the lightness kungfu to the extreme, the severe pain from his body still made him fall from midair.

(End of this chapter)

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