Chapter 1073

She lied to your feelings from the very beginning, under the guise of having a good relationship with you, she lied to all of us, and in the end, she herself and Qian Yeming have been flying together!
This woman not only lied to you, but also encouraged Qian Yeming to strip off your father's clothes, hang him naked at the city gate, and accept the humiliation of the people. If you don't deal with this kind of woman, Murong Qingyun, you It's not a man! "

A few words from Murong Yan awakened the furious but dazed Murong Qingyun, his bloodshot eyes were full of furious hatred.

"You're right. Now I can only rely on myself. I'm going to bring the 40 people to attack the capital. Only when I ascend the throne will it be possible to cut Qianyeming into pieces and let that The bitch regrets that she once abandoned me!"

Murong Yan smiled and said: "You are right! So now is not the time for you to be sad and angry, you should turn this sad and angry feeling into motivation, and plan how we should act."

Murong Qingyun finally calmed down, ordered someone to clean up the broken things in the room, and sat down again.

"Now that the cannons have all been manufactured, it's a pity that we don't have enough bombs..."

"Murong laughed so hard!"

"What?" Murong Qingyun asked incomprehensibly.

Murong Yan was depressed for a while and said: "Murong Xiao has been on Qian Yeming's side from the very beginning, she is very clear about our intentions and what we are going to do to Qian Yeming in the end, so she preemptively preys on us everywhere. .

She and I grew up together, then best mates, and we both know each other so well.However, what I can do she can't.Such as cannons!
She knows that if I help you, the weapons I make will be much better than those made by an unprofessional like her, and she also knows that once the things I make are used on the battlefield, they will be absolutely invincible.

So since she decided to help Qianyeming detoxify and seize the throne from the very beginning, the first thing she has to do is to prevent me from successfully making weapons.

She has no way to prevent me from making cannons, but she has a way to act first, ordering people to check all the places in South Vietnam where sulfur and nitrate may appear, and take them away immediately if there are these two things.In this way, even if she can't make the cannon, at least the cannon I made will not be of much use, or the lack of cannonballs will weaken our lethality. "

After hearing this, Murong Qingyun gritted her teeth and said, "Bitch!"


Suddenly, Murong Yan's complexion began to turn extremely pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

"What?" Murong Qingyun frowned and asked.

Murong Yan's face turned pale for a long time, then he shook his head and said, "Impossible...impossible!"

When Murong Qingyun saw her appearance of imminent disaster, she was disappointed and annoyed.

"What's the matter? You are talking! If there is anything, just say it, and everyone will analyze it together, otherwise..."

"Qingyun!" Murong Yan suddenly hugged Murong Qingyun: "Are we all right? We should be all right."

Murong Qingyun pulled Murong Yan out of her arms impatiently, and shouted: "I'm paralyzed, I don't even know anything, what the hell are you trying to say?"

Murong Yan didn't notice the impatience in Murong Qingyun's tone at all, and muttered to himself:

(End of this chapter)

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