Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1120 You are a spy!

Chapter 1120 You are a spy!

The teacup on the table shattered into pieces, and the tea spilled all over the floor.

The common people were listening to the book with great interest, and shouted "Good! Good!" from time to time. Who would have thought that this drunk man would cause such a commotion, which immediately made everyone dissatisfied.

"What the hell, you made such a big noise just now when we talked about Emperor Kangping's benevolent government. Are you a spy of Murong Qingyu's family?"

It has to be said that this common people is correct!

Khan, who was still extremely drunk, froze immediately after hearing the shout.Then, after feeling someone kick him, he continued to pretend to be drunk.

Hey, the people are all smart now.I can't afford it!
Nima, could it be that the emperor is good to the people and can develop the intelligence of the people?

Sure enough, people cannot have money, and if they have money, they will become bad!This sentence is true for men, but it also works for ordinary people!

"Forgive me, everyone. I can see that this elder brother is indeed drunk. He did not stand still just now, so he disturbed everyone's elegant mood. We must forgive others. Maybe this elder brother is drinking because of something at home. What about it? Since he didn’t have any major faults, please don’t take offense.”

The young man in white who was listening to the book quietly but was offended by the profuse sweat suddenly spoke.Everyone saw that the sufferer had returned it, so they didn't say anything anymore.

The storyteller continued to talk happily about the love story between Emperor Kang Ping and the Queen, as if he was the personal eunuch beside them.Those who listened to the book enjoyed it even more. While listening, they kept commenting on the love, love, and envy between Emperor Kang Ping and the Empress.

No one noticed that the drunk profusely stuffed the young man in white with a letter, and no one saw the young man in white's hand that was so angry that it almost cramped when everyone praised Emperor Kang Ping and the empress for their perfect love.

Not long after the drunk man left, the young man in white also left.

After a few turns, I was away from the hustle and bustle in an instant.After walking for a short time, they came to an inconspicuous private house, pushed the door open and entered.

The shadow guard who was hiding in the dark in the private house immediately popped up to look at the person who came after hearing the angrily pushed door.After seeing the young man in white, he withdrew to the territory where he was on duty.

After the young man in white entered the room, he tore off the skin of his face three times and twice, revealing a woman's face.

This person is none other than Bailixiao's former good sister, Murongyan.

The secret room of the room was opened bit by bit. After seeing that the person was Murong Yan, the people in the secret room boldly got out.This person is surprisingly Murong Qingyun, the son of the wanted criminal minister.

Ten days ago, the condition of Murong Yan and Murong Qingyun's lower body became more and more serious. Not only did they have to have sex two or three times a day to solve the extreme needs of their bodies, but the most unbearable thing for them was the itching of the lower body .

When no one was around, they were digging at their privacy almost all the time, which made the two extremely proud people intolerable.

They should have launched a war a long time ago, because the cannons have been built. Although there are not many shells, they will be able to deter the South Vietnamese army. At least they can guarantee that once they raise troops, they will at least be invincible.

But it's the damn itching and having to have sex several times a day that drives them crazy.

So both of them decided,

(End of this chapter)

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