Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1124 What's in the bag, my man!

Chapter 1124 What's in the bag, my man!
It was like a row of wheels outside his house. This wave came, and after giving gifts and greetings and leaving, the next wave came in immediately.

Finally, His Highness Prince Rui couldn't bear it anymore, and posted a notice at the gate that no visitors will be seen tonight.

I thought I could have a clean meal like this, but unexpectedly, the little ancestor Qianye Bingmeng came again.

Qianye Bingmeng and him are brothers and sisters of the same mother, and it was extremely annoying to follow Qianye Manqiao in the palace before.Now that Qianyeming became the emperor, Qianye Bingmeng, who had often ridiculed the emperor, finally realized that something was wrong, so she wanted to drag him to speak well to Qianyeming.

He had rejected it several times before, and even said that he avoided seeing this younger sister.But this morning his mother and concubine spoke: No matter how wrong your sister is, she is still your own sister.You had a good vision before and took refuge in the emperor, but now that your sister is in trouble, helping her is not in vain for you brothers and sisters.

Qianyeze is really suffering. He lives in fear all day long. He was also forced to be used by him and Murong Xiao because he failed to assassinate Qianyeming. Glad to have him dethroned.Now that he has an idle prince in front of him, he is already very satisfied, how dare he take care of that ancestor's affairs?

But in the end, he still agreed to meet Qianye Bingmeng under the plea of ​​his mother and concubine.

Fortunately, this woman will always only pay attention to her marriage.With his current relationship with Qian Yeming, it shouldn't be too difficult to help her get married, but it depends on whether Bailixiao will allow her to have a good marriage.

"Tell me, who do you like, if it's not too embarrassing, I can help you mention this to the emperor."

Qianye Bingmeng's eyes glistened immediately.After a long time of talking and talking, the saliva was almost dry, and the hateful brother finally agreed.

Qianye Bingmeng swears that once she gains power, she will definitely make this damn Qianyeze look good.

She is his own younger sister, so she thought that her elder brother would help her a bit, so that she could marry better than Qianye Manqiao, and she would be mad at Qianye Manqiao, that bitch.But she looked for him many times in the palace, but he avoided seeing her.

If the mother concubine hadn't scolded him angrily, he would still have ignored her.

What kind of brother is this?

So even if he helped her negotiate the marriage, she would never recognize him in the future.

Ok, deal!
Although she hated Qianyeze so much in her heart, Qianye Bingmeng smiled like a flower on the bright side, and she held Qianyeze's arm affectionately and said, "I knew that my brother was the best for me. With a good husband's family, he will definitely let him help my brother."

Seeing Qianye Bingmeng's appearance, Qianyeze sneered in his heart.He knew his sister very well.On the surface, he looks extremely well-behaved, maybe how he is cursing him in his heart at this moment.

"Brother Huang, now the queen has recognized her ancestors and returned to her family. Not only is she a noble princess in the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the most important thing is that the three brothers from the Baili family have treated her so well.

Although Bai Liyi hasn't married yet, but I heard that he has already had an affair with Feng Luoran from Dongyang Kingdom.Princess Meng'er doesn't ask too much, so that's fine with Baili Yi, you go talk to the queen and ask her to tell me about Baili Han or Baili Feng. "

Seeing Qianye Bingmeng's eloquence, Qianyeze really wanted to ask her if she had a brain?
(End of this chapter)

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