Chapter 1145

When Bailixiao didn't mess with her, she hated it so much. Now that Bailixiao has made her like this, she can't wait to rush to her bedroom right now and directly smash her to pieces.

The piece behind him that had just been solidified to stop the bleeding with great difficulty broke down again under this more violent rhythm.

After noon on the second day, no one said anything to these two people.With such an injury, it can still come once every two hours. The wound on the back is condensed and then torn.

The beating last night was still bleeding after noon today.

Qianye Bingmeng finally calmed down, and a vicious plan rose again in his heart.

Anyway, the injuries of these two people healed slowly, so let them never heal, so that she can also find a way to capture these two people. If she can capture these two people, her meritorious service will be even greater.

If Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan, who were already depressed to the point of madness, knew that Qianye Bingmeng was thinking of devouring the two of them in this palace, they probably wouldn't have thought of killing Baili Xiao, and just Made this brainless body on the spot.

This is the border between South Vietnam and the Western Jin Dynasty, and it is also the place where Fengling Pass is located.

Although the military strength of South Vietnam is really not very good, it has to be said that the borders between South Vietnam and other countries are extremely awesome.

For example, the Fengling Pass bordering the Western Jin Dynasty is located on a scourge of heaven.

On the left and right sides of Fengling Pass are mountains stretching for hundreds of miles, and the highest mountain reaches an altitude of more than 3000 meters.

The pass of Fengling Pass is located in this group of mountains.The pass is 1000 meters above sea level. Once the war breaks out and the enemy wants to break through the pass, it will definitely be a military holy place where one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Besides, the mountains on both sides of the pass are definitely the best of cheating.

This mountain range is very characteristic.The east faces the sun, and the vegetation is verdant. Looking from the east, this mountain range is a typical southern mountain range, a fairyland on earth with mountains and water.

The west facing away from the sun is bare, not to mention the picturesque fairyland on earth, on the mountain wall at the back, there are not even a few trees growing.

It was precisely this excellent location that made it extremely difficult for the Western Jin Dynasty in the west to attack Nanyue from Fengling Pass.

Because it is completely unrealistic for them to climb the mountain, a few thousand meters high mountain can only be climbed with bare hands, and it is estimated that nine out of ten people will fall to their deaths before the fight begins.

If you can't climb the mountain, you can only pass the customs.Fengling Pass is abnormally long. There are narrow and long cliffs on both sides of the pass. The narrowest part under the cliff is only more than 30 meters wide.

That is to say, even if the Western Jin Dynasty dispatched 200 million troops, and these 200 million troops rushed forward and attacked Fengling Pass at the same time, as long as there were 1 people guarding Fengling Pass, the 200 million troops would definitely not be able to break through.

Because as long as you reach the narrow strip, only a small group of troops can enter, and the queues behind will enter one by one.As long as there are people guarding the Fengling Pass and throwing stones from above, by the time the next batch of troops from the Western Jin Dynasty reach the front of the pass, the wave in front will have been crushed to death.

It is precisely because of the existence of this pass that the Western Jin Dynasty has been unable to take South Vietnam for so many years.Coveting the wealth of South Vietnam, but can only guard the barren land of his own family, and has to be often harassed by Xiliang.

(Updated on August 2th)
(End of this chapter)

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