Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1148 Take it off for me!

Chapter 1148 Take it off for me!
One person pissed on him and didn't talk about it, the second one took off his pants and waited until he didn't urinate, Fei had to wait for the first one to finish urinating, and then he pissed on the place where the first person had just urinated.

Although he couldn't understand what the two peeing men were thinking, he could fully feel Kong Fan's depression and anger.

It's no wonder that he couldn't help but swear when he killed someone.

But his swearing instantly caught the attention of the people behind him.

"Huh? What's going on?" Kong Fan's accomplice immediately asked after Kong Fan's roar.

The Storm players all tacitly kept silent, they believed that even the captain who was in a rage would never roar regardless of the situation.

Sure enough, after the other party asked about it, Kong Fan replied angrily: "Numb, this guy pissed on me."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Behind them, everyone laughed again.

"Why did you piss on him? How can you turn a corner with your fucking piss?"

After hearing this, Zheng Rong immediately yelled angrily: "Damn! He's standing in the wrong place, how can he blame me?"

"I didn't stand in the right place? How dare you say that I didn't stand in the right place? Why didn't I stand in the right place? Damn it, it's obvious that you have a fork, okay?"

"You're the one who splits!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

From behind, the laughter of the crowd came again.

"You two, can you stop being so funny?"

"By the way, how can that thing be forked?" Someone in the crowd raised such a difficult question.

"Well...it should be the same as why your bastard doesn't grow hair!"

"Fuck you, you don't grow hair!"

"Hahahaha..." There was another burst of laughter.

In the scolding between Kong Fan and Zheng Rong, and in the laughter of everyone, time flew by.No one noticed that the two people whose neck bones had been crushed just now had been dragged behind the bushes, their faces were being cut off bit by bit, and half of them had already been cut off.

The people over there continued talking and laughing, and just as everyone was about to end a topic, they realized that the two peeing people hadn't come back yet, and the two started talking again.

Kong Fan said: "Bring it."

Zheng Rong said, "What are you taking?"

"Look at my pants, it's so wet, and you can't clean it for me, what do you think?"

"I don't know, I'm going back to drink."

"How dare you not take it today! Take it off for me!"

"What am I wearing with my pants off?" Zheng Rong shouted speechlessly.

"I don't care what you wear, you have to take it off anyway!"

"Don't you know how to go in and change and come out again? I was kind enough to accompany you to pee, but you took off my pants!"

"Hahahaha..." The people in the back were so confused by these two guys that they didn't know what to laugh about.

"Nima, I didn't wash my trousers, but I only have this one on my body. If you don't take it off, what will I wear?"

"Why are you so lazy, you don't even wash your dirty pants?"

"It's not the first day you know Lao Tzu, how can you not know if Lao Tzu is lazy? Stop talking nonsense, take off!"

"Don't take it off!"

"Take off!"

"Don't take it off!"

"If you don't take off again, I will rape you tonight!"

"Don't you really look down on me, don't you despise me for being a big and three rough? Why do you want to rape me? Hehe, you can't have a crush on me a long time ago,

(End of this chapter)

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