Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1201 Concubine Duan Goes Crazy

Chapter 1201 Concubine Duan Goes Crazy

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The imperial guards at the middle gate and the outer gate were blocked by the city gate, so they didn't see the signal sent out before, and they didn't know what happened.

Seeing a large wave of maids and eunuchs rushing over, they were stunned.Just as he was about to step forward to inquire, a life-and-death struggle had begun.

The soldiers of the Murong Mansion held Concubine Duan hostage, making it impossible for the imperial guards to do anything.But even so, in this crazy charge, the hidden guards of Murong Mansion still died one by one.

Seeing that the hidden guards of Murong Mansion were basically dead, Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan took the two seriously injured dark guards with them alone.

However, Concubine Duan was hypnotized and bewitched by Murong Yan, and pressed a sharp golden hairpin against the main artery in her neck, forcing Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan to leave with death.

The imperial guards couldn't figure out why Duan Concubine Duan, who had just told them not to worry about herself and wanted to kill Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan, would suddenly threaten her with death. The hidden guards rushed towards the imperial guards with Concubine Duan.

Concubine Duan rushed towards the imperial guards beside her as if she had suddenly gone crazy, and the two hidden guards took the opportunity to fight with their lives.At this moment, the hundreds of court ladies and eunuchs who finally closed the inner door of Suzaku Gate also rushed out at the same time, entangled the imperial guards at the middle and outer doors.

However, Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan had already disguised themselves as court ladies and eunuchs, so it was almost impossible to notice them among the 600 people.Taking advantage of the chaos and the hearts of the people who watched the excitement after seeing the fight at the outer gate, they immediately disappeared into the people.

After turning a corner, I immediately knocked out a man and a woman, put on their clothes, and mixed into the crowd.

A few imperial guards at the outer door managed to get away and immediately rushed to the crowd to search, but after searching for a long time, they only saw two naked corpses at an inconspicuous corner.

At this time, Qian Yeming had already arrived, and after kicking open the locked palace gate, the commander of the Imperial Guard rushed out with [-] Imperial Guards.Immediately block the streets and ask the people if they have seen the two fish that slipped through the net.

But Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan have already fled, and the other party is proficient in hypnosis and disguise, once mixed into the crowd, it is almost impossible to find them again.

A quarter of an hour later, the deputy commander of the imperial guards was ordered to call all the imperial guards back.This palace farce finally came to an end.

In Concubine Duan's bedroom, at this moment, under the effect of Bailixiao's medicine, she has recovered her sanity, but due to the serious injury, the imperial doctor is unable to recover, and she is spending the last moment of her life at this moment.

Qian Yeming and Baili Xiao came to visit her, and Concubine Duan immediately reached out to try to hold Qian Yeming's hand.

"Twife, you should lie down properly, the imperial doctor told you not to move."

Qian Yeming stood at the head of Concubine Duan's bed, and did not reach out his hand to hold her.

To him, no one in the palace is qualified to shake hands with him except Xiaoer.Whether you say he is stingy or holds grudges, when he was still the prince, when everyone disliked him and harmed him, and wished him to die, he had already sworn that everything related to him was just in name. It's just relatives, even if they have the same blood flowing through them, that's all.

And this Concubine Duan has no blood relationship with him, and has no kindness to him, so there is no need for him to be too kind to her.

(End of this chapter)

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