Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1204 Exposure

Chapter 1204 Exposure
Their Murong family has been running a great business for 20 years!How could it be so inexplicably gone?

At this moment, Murong Qingyun finally felt the fear of the world falling apart.

gone... nothing...

Thinking of this, Murong Qingyun shuddered, grabbed the passer-by by the neck, and roared angrily: "Are you talking nonsense? Why are you talking nonsense? Are you..."

"Sanggong! Let go!"

When Murong Yan heard the news suddenly, he was also shocked and couldn't recover for a while.When she came back to her senses, Murong Qingyun had already grabbed the opponent's neck, she was so frightened that she immediately broke Murong Qingyun's gripping opponent's hand with all her might.

The people in the crowd were almost all the family members of the victims or those who hated the Murong family. He yelled and killed people here. If Qian Yeming and Bailixiao didn't do anything, they would be besieged to death immediately.

Murong Yan's face was pale, feeling the sudden silence of the surroundings, a bad premonition arose.

Murong Qingyun was in pain, and instantly recovered from the grief and indignation of shock, he yelled in his heart that he was not good.His angry voice and tears just now have already stopped the congratulations around him.

These common people changed their usual innocent appearance and stared at him and Murong Yan like hungry wolves.If there is no explanation today, they will surely die in the beatings and kicks of the common people.

Seeing this, Murong Yan immediately whispered something in the ear of the person who was almost strangled by Murong Qingyun, and then looked at the few people around them.

Finally, the pinched person was also the first person to be hypnotized by Murong Yan, and asked Murong Yan:
"What's wrong with him? Is he sick again?"

Murong Yan smiled and said: "Originally, his illness has been much better during this period of time, we were all very happy after learning the news of Murong Qingyu's private army surrendering today, so I decided to bring him out.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly fell ill after seeing Murong Qingyu who was hung up.I'm really sorry. "

After all, he explained to the person who looked at them viciously: "My father-in-law participated in the Battle of Fengling Pass 20 years ago, and he has never returned since. It turned out that after being killed by the Murong family in Fengling Pass, he suddenly lost his mind.

He kept threatening at home that he would go to the battlefield and kill Murong Qingyun with his own hands, but after seeing Murong Qingyu just now, he suddenly became dazed and said that he didn't kill it with his own hands, so the dispute arose. "

As Murong Yan said, he bowed slightly to show his apology.Holding Murong Qingyun's hand was also ruthless.

After Murong Qingyun got the reminder, she simply burst into tears.

This cry is for his hegemony, his hatred, his hard work, and his ambition.

But in the eyes of kind people, he felt that he was crying for his father.There were instant comforts, but some people were still skeptical.

"Yeah, his father is a good man, he is good at medicine. His father treated me when I was young. Who would have thought that such a good person would be murdered by Murong Qingyu, without even a body... ..."

The crowd spoke again.

Everyone's proof finally dispelled everyone's doubts, and the eyes that looked at Murong Qingyun and Murong Yan were no longer hostile.

(End of this chapter)

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