Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1238 Public Opinion Orientation

Chapter 1238 Public Opinion Orientation
"That's not right! This Nanyue is just an empress dowager, this woman is the emperor's biological mother, and at the same time Murong Qingyun's biological mother."

"It turns out that Murong Qingyun is really the emperor's brother. It's really sad that the two brothers have become like this. And the empress dowager, why is she one-armed?"

"Hey...Although the emperor is kind to us, he is too cruel to his mother and brother, right?"

"What do you know? Since ancient times, emperors have been lonely and ruthless. He is indeed good to us, but he can't let go of the person who covets his throne, right? And this person belongs to the Murong family."

"Hey! That's right! But I still feel that it's a bit cruel for brothers to do this."

Listening to the conversations of the common people, while the guards were sweating profusely, they also admired the empress's beauty in their hearts.

At that time, the queen mother rushed to the Meridian Gate, and the queen mother immediately sent them to dress up as ordinary people and sneak into the crowd, and guide them as ordinary people, otherwise it would not only be the reputation of the emperor, but even the emperor who had been on the throne for so long was finally in the hearts of the people. The image that has been built can also be destroyed.

The empress said that the common people are kind and easy to be influenced. Even if Murong Qingyu ruined their family, they have been compensated after all. It will affect countless people, and in the end the image of the emperor will be greatly reduced.

They didn't believe it at first, and felt that the emperor's kindness has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is not so easy to break it. However, they were all secret guards in the prince's mansion, and they believed in the queen's ability, so after receiving the order, no one dared to neglect , they rushed into the crowd with the fastest speed.

After hearing what the common people said, the secret guard immediately justified his master's name and said: "What do you know! This empress dowager and the Murong family have treated our emperor too much. I think the emperor is too kind. He should be connected with the emperor. The queen mother will be hacked to death together!"

The words of the dark guard instantly attracted a large number of people to come over to inquire.

"Ah? What's going on? Tell us!"

"My brother used to be the guard of the prince's mansion, so he knows a lot about the emperor. Needless to say, you all know that our emperor was called the sick and weak prince before?"

Seeing the people nodding their heads one after another, the dark guard continued: "What is so weak about the emperor? He is simply poisoned! He has been poisoned by a poison that no one can cure!"

"Ah?" The people gasped and asked distressedly: "How is the emperor's body now? Has his poison been cured?"

"Your majesty is such a good person, please don't be surprised!"

"The emperor has been poisoned since he was a child, who poisoned him? Is it Murong Qingyu?"

"Hey, you're half right!" Pointing to the last commoner who asked the question, the dark guard said, "The emperor's poisoning is indeed related to Murong Qingyu, because Murong Qingyu found the poison, but the poisoner, It's the one on the high platform crying to Murong Qingyu and Murong Qingyun, the emperor's biological mother—the empress dowager!"


The secret guard's words drew the common people's air-conditioning gasps almost at the same time.This is definitely an expression of surprise.

"Impossible! After all, the empress dowager is also the emperor's own mother!
(End of this chapter)

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