Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1254 Taken!

Chapter 1254 Taken!
What is the smell of thousands of miles?Isn't it an aphrodisiac in her?

But when the question came out, Murong Yan knew angrily almost immediately that he had been fooled by Murong Xue!

At the same time Murong Yan was shocked and angry, she suddenly smelled a stench like a rotting corpse that had begun to waft from her body.

Murong Yan's head exploded, he quickly dropped ten taels of silver, wrapped his clothes tightly, and left the teahouse as quickly as possible.

The owner of the restaurant took the money and shouted: "Guest officer, I haven't found your money yet!"

But Murong Yan ignored him at all, and quickly left with his head down.

"Oh, it stinks!" At this moment, the boss suddenly let out a rotten smell, which almost made him vomit out.

"Why is this man so smelly? Did he poop on his pants?"

"Smelly? Is it very smelly? Could it be Murong Yan?"

Listening to the boss's words and looking at the imperial list posted on the wall, a guest officer came to his senses in an instant, pointing at the leaving figure and shouting loudly.

The boss got excited and shouted: "He is Murong Yan, catch Murong Yan quickly, don't let Murong Yan get away!"

Hearing what the boss said, Murong Yan had already walked out of the gate of the teahouse, and immediately turned to a side street.

At this moment, Murong Yan really felt like hitting his head against the wall and dying!

I have always felt that my thoughts and ideas are similar to those of Baili Xiao, and I have always believed that I understand her best, and I am more confident in my grasp of human nature.

Although they didn't spend much time together, Murong Yan was able to confirm that Murong Xue was definitely the kind of woman whose heart was higher than the sky and who was lowly, and Qian Yeze was also the kind of man who seemed to have a dark tide.That's why she didn't believe that she and Qianyeze would be the kind of people who were willing to succumb to Qianyeming and Bailixiao.

And she didn't know that she suddenly went to find Murong Xue, she had clearly hypnotized her, so she was very sure that what she took was the antidote, so she abandoned Murong Qingyun.

Unexpectedly, Murong Xue was not hypnotized by her after a long time, and based on her understanding of Bailixiao, it is estimated that the poison in her body was not only unresolved, but added another kind of poison.

"Damn it! Damn it! Baili laughs at you, damn it!"

Murong Yan gritted his teeth and let out a low growl.However, the anger subsided in the next moment.

After all, she is a super agent, and she is always walking between life and death in modern times.In the face of death, instead of shrinking back, she and Bailixiao will make their minds clearer because of the approaching death.

"Ten Thousand Miles Stinky!" Murong Yan tried his best to walk along the path while thinking about the meaning of Ten Thousand Miles Stinky.

Although there is a strong rotten smell on her body now, it is not so bad that people who are five meters away from her can hardly smell it.

Based on this alone, Murong Yan is very confident that he can escape the pursuers.

But she was still afraid of Bailixiao's poison.So if you want to go out of the city, you must be prepared.

Passing through several alleys like a civet cat, Murong Yan returned to the place where she and Murong Qingyun lived before.

At this time of the day, someone would go to the place where the five grains reincarnation gather behind the dry toilet to scoop up manure, and then pull it to a fertilization station outside the city to exchange the manure for silver.

Right now, it was time for him to work in the backyard.

For these little things around me,——
(End of this chapter)

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