Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1256 She is Murong Yan!

Chapter 1256 She is Murong Yan!
Then he planned to leave with the dung truck.

It wasn't that she was in a hurry, but that she seemed to hear a dog barking.This barking was the sound of a large dog, and there was more than one, Murong Yan's heart sank slightly, knowing that the pursuers were coming.

"Hey, Father Chen, our captain said he would give you clothes, why did you leave?"

Seeing Murong Yan pushing the cart towards the city gate, the soldier became anxious and was about to chase after him, but was stopped by the school lieutenant.

"Forget it, let him go. Life is not easy for Mr. Chen, and he is old. You bastards are not allowed to laugh when you see others in the future, do you hear me?"


"Don't let her out of the city, catch her! Murong Yan is going out of the city! Close the city gate quickly."

The Habayashi Army in the rear galloped all the way on fast horses, led by countless military dogs. When they saw the city gate ahead, they immediately roared.

When the Shoucheng school lieutenant heard it, he was shocked.

They had already received the imperial list immediately before, so they had been paying attention to Murong Yan's whereabouts.

Huang Bang made it very clear that whoever has an unbearable stench, no matter if he is an old man, a child, a woman or a man, this person must be Murong Yan.

Seeing the imperial guards chasing from a distance, the captain's heart suddenly shrank, and he shouted to the soldiers in front almost without thinking: "Close the city gate, and no one is allowed to go out!"

The captain yelled and grabbed "Old Chen" who was about 20 meters away from him but hadn't left the city yet.

If this person is really Mr. Chen, it will be fine to let him go after finding out, it won't affect anything.But if he was Murong Yan, then he would have made great contributions today.

At this moment, the captain felt that his heart was about to burst out.

Thinking about the appearance of the old man just now, with a pair of shriveled and wrinkled hands, but when he squeezed it, he could get a soft elasticity from the shriveled hands.

Just as the school captain started to fly over, Murong Yan's body also moved.

Seeing that the city gate was closing rapidly, Murong Yan took out two self-made smoke bombs from his bosom, one in the corridor of the city gate, and another.

In an instant, the entire aisle of the city gate was filled with a thick white smoke, and the prisoner Murong Yan also took the opportunity to rush towards the almost closed city gate.

Murong Yan's movements were fast, and the captain's reaction was not slow either.When almost all the soldiers hadn't reacted, and the general guarding the city hadn't rushed down from the top of the city gate, the captain had already jumped towards Murong Yan.

Just now he clearly saw "Old Chen" take out something from his arms when he heard him yelling to close the city gate, and then white smoke rose from here immediately, at this moment, he can be [-]% sure that this person must be Murong Yan.

Although he didn't understand why Murong Yan could look exactly like Chen's father, it also proved the nonsense said in the imperial list: no matter if it's an old man, a child, a woman or a man, as long as they have a bad smell , it must be Murong Yan.

The captain also has a whole body of kung fu, but his kung fu is really not comparable to Murong Yan.

Just when he was about to throw the other party down, the other party suddenly pulled out a gun and aimed at his head with a "bang".

Fortunately, this captain is a martial arts idiot. He watched the whole process of the six-nation chamber of commerce competition that day.

(End of this chapter)

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