Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1272 The Tyranny of Chinu

Chapter 1272 The Tyranny of Chinu

Although some men would rather leave their hometowns and go to South Vietnam to do hard labor and become slaves than to follow Chi Nu, who drove his tribe to a dead end, but this is only a small part after all.

Most people, who have lived in the grasslands all their lives, are unwilling to leave their hometowns. In desperation, in order to have a meal for themselves and their families and children, they can only follow the red slaves and work for tigers.

In summer, it was the season for men to work and wait for the harvest, but after Chinu tasted the sweetness of annexing the Yun clan, he turned his mind on the court of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The original words of Chinu Patriarch Chi Nu Batian are: This king has always dreamed about the gods recently. He said that the king is the son of the gods who descended to earth. Living in a warm house, I no longer suffer from displacement, live in a drafty tent, and worry about the lack of harvest in winter.

People, now that we are strong enough, why should we still live in this desolate grassland?Don't you guys want to live in big houses when you're sleepy and go to big restaurants when you're hungry?

Today, I, Chinu Batian, will lead your army to the south, occupy the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty, break through the cities of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and fight against the Northern Wei Dynasty!
Of course, the Chinu patriarch's words were almost scoffed at by everyone except his people.

The strength of the Northern Wei Dynasty has become an unsurpassable myth. Why do you, the patriarch of a grassland tribe, fight against the Northern Wei royal family?

Although you already have 150 million troops, but...but how many people are willing to join in?

On the other hand, the imperial court has 300 million Guangxiong soldiers who have fallen suddenly. What do you use to fight with them?It's not that the size of that place is smaller than that of the trousers, and the morale of the army is not stable, so how can they fight as soon as they say it?

As a result, several tribes who had been squeezed into desperation immediately stood up to oppose.The result of opposition is more ruthless suppression and even extermination.

Finally, everyone was scared.

Fight, maybe the tribe and family still have a glimmer of hope, if you don't fight, you will be killed by Chinu now.

In order to resist, the patriarch of a tribe sent someone to quietly report to the court of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Unexpectedly, the patriarch of Chinu had already guarded against this move. Men, women, old and young, all had their intestines broken and boiled human broth for the soldiers to eat.

Under such almost brutal high pressure, the voices of opposition finally disappeared, and Chi Nu ruled the sky and became the emperor, and the country was named "Bei Chi". The army of 150 million is ready to go, and with one order, it will officially start war with the Northern Wei Dynasty on the horses of the prairie!
Dicheng is the last small town in the north of the Northern Wei Dynasty. After leaving Dicheng, it is a vast prairie.

Although Dicheng is small, there are many people doing business here.Grassland resources are extremely scarce, and many Northern Wei businessmen love to do business here, exchanging their own things for mineral supplies on the grassland.

However, in view of how poor the grassland people are, and they don't play cards according to common sense, let alone other countries, even the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty are reluctant to deal with them.Especially in the past two years, the prairie people are like hungry wolves, and sometimes they even start to rob them.

Although under the suppression of the imperial court, this momentum has not expanded, but most of the people doing business here are on guard.So what Dicheng does are all small businesses, and many people still dare not do big things.

(End of this chapter)

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