Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1340 A man who is so for you

Chapter 1340 A man who is so for you
"I..." Mi Xue was so entangled in her heart that she really wanted to nod, but she felt that if she really nodded, her sister-in-law would take advantage of her and match her up for her.But she knew in her heart that she was not worthy of such an excellent man no matter what.

"I just adore Brother Baili very much, and it's not a relationship between a man and a woman for him..."

When she said these words, Mi Xue clearly heard her own heartbroken voice.

Although she was really sad to death, she knew that what she did was right.She can't rely on her elder brother and sister-in-law's love for her and be proud of her, and occupy such an excellent elder brother Baili by her side.

Brother Baili deserves to be loved by a better woman, and she just needs to silently bless her.In this way, my brother and sister-in-law will not be embarrassed.

Bailixiao originally wanted to say something to Mi Xue, but she didn't intend to say it now.Just sighed and said:
"It turns out that Mixue doesn't like him at all. Hey...Since that's the case, then I'll tell him to let him get rid of this thought."

"Ah?" Mixue raised her head to look at Baili Xiao, her eyes were full of surprise.

Did she hear correctly just now?The sister-in-law said that she would dispel his thoughts.This him, is he talking about Big Brother Baili?

Mixue's heart skipped a beat, but she heard Baili laugh and said: "Sister-in-law and your brother both thought that even though you don't like him, even though you keep saying that you don't want to marry, but Bailihan is so good, if he can get along with you for a long time, Maybe you can get rid of your unmarriageism and fall in love with him.

In order to win your favor and love, in fact... Actually, I have always had seven-color flowers on my body. "

"Ah?" Mi Xue's eyes widened, and she said ah again.

Now, she has no idea what's going on.

"The last time I knew that the wound on his heart can be cured as long as there are seven-color flowers, I ordered someone to make an antidote for him. But he likes you very much. Since he brought you out of the palace, I have fallen in love with you since I sent it to the bank in Shicheng.

In order to pursue you, he has gone to the extreme, even tried dressing like a butcher, but he found that you turned a blind eye to him.

He can't stay here for too long, because the Northern Wei Dynasty still needs him to go back to sit in town.But he knew that if he left, there would be no more chance between you.

In order to help him realize his dream, I came up with a bad idea, let him let you give him an injection without any hidden worries. "

Speaking of this, seeing that Mixue's eyes had already been fogged up, and her whole body had been thrown into the air by her words, Bailixiao suddenly changed the subject and sighed:
"However, I also know that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, and a twisted melon is not sweet. Since Mi Xue doesn't care about him in this regard, then I will tell him, on the one hand, so that he can give up earlier and stop being on you Put more emotion into it. On the other hand, it's time for him to leave Nanyue. You also know that the northern border of the Northern Wei Dynasty is not peaceful, and Xiliang is also ambitious."

Bailixiao stood up and said, "Okay, let me tell him what you think tactfully, I believe he won't force others to do what he wants."

"Sister-in-law, I..."

Looking at Mixue's bitter appearance after eating Huanglian,

(End of this chapter)

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