Chapter 1343
The stars in my mind collided and exploded again because of the sudden water snake.The more and more happiness in my heart exploded in an instant, attacking my limbs.

Her body became weaker and weaker, until her legs could no longer bear her own weight, Mixue had no choice but to completely lean herself into the arms of the person she admired.

This girl is really a fairy!
How many coquettish women are there in the world?How many hot women are there?How many women can seduce a man?But it's this kind of woman that Bai Lihan doesn't catch cold the most.

So in his dictionary, there is no such thing as a goblin.

But at this moment, Bailihan couldn't help but mumbled, "Fairy!"

For a 15-year-old girl, her body should still be developing, but Mixue has already fully demonstrated her enchantment.On weekdays, her dresses are generous and decent, except for her enchanting cheeks, she will never show her enchanting figure.

But at this moment, after actually touching Mixue's body, he felt that this girl is a complete goblin!And it's an evil goblin with angelic spirituality...

As Bailihan's breathing became heavier and heavier, Mixue's body became softer and weaker.As the kiss deepened, Mixue felt that Bailihan's body had almost hardened into a piece of iron.

He still wants to kiss, but kissing is not enough.But the little goblin's body made him unbearable.So he could only imprison her to deepen and lengthen the kiss.

While greedily asking for a sweet kiss, Baili Han swore in his heart that one day, he would eat up this annoying little goblin with the fastest speed!He wants to go into battle as fast as possible to kill the enemy, take down this little goblin completely, and keep him locked in his heart forever.

It’s no wonder that Mixue doesn’t understand anything, because her mother and concubine died early, and Concubine Ling always hated her mother and concubine for climbing high branches by herself, so she often abused her, let alone let the maids in the palace call her some daughter’s family. thing.

So Mixue doesn't know anything about the body structure of men and women.Until now, she still thought that the truth was to let her beloved man pierce her belly button.

Think about it, even though it hurts.But everyone is so broken, so if she will be broken one day, I believe I can still bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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