Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1365 Sneaking into Xuanyuan Mansion

Chapter 1365 Sneaking into Xuanyuan Mansion

He just learned two days ago that Jing En and Xiliang's 50 troops were all captured on the first day they entered South Vietnam. Based on his understanding of Qian Yeming and Baili Xiao, these two couples would definitely not let him better off.

And the three brothers Baili treated their sister so well that they did not go offline. After knowing that Xiliang was helping Qianyeyao, they still started to station troops in Xiliang even under the threat of Chinu.

Judging from this posture, he doesn't need to be invited to go to South Vietnam anymore, because Xiliang and Northern Wei are going to war soon.

The military strength of Xiliang is not as good as that of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Some time ago, he had lost a lot of troops in order to defeat the rebellious vassal king as quickly as possible. If he faced the Northern Wei Dynasty now, he would have no chance of winning at all, let alone once the Northern Wei Dynasty went to war against him. South Vietnam will definitely come too.

So in order to contain the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xuanyuan Yexiao is really very important!
Because of this, he wanted to capture Xuanyuan Yexiao back at all costs.

Although Xuanyuan Yexiao thought of the danger he might face when he returned to Xiliang, he never thought that Yelu Boyang would take such a slanted sword and pin the victory or defeat of the entire war on him.

If this is the case, even if he knows that his mother is seriously ill, he will find another way to rescue her, and he will never let himself become a weapon that threatens Bailifeng.

Although the Northern Wei spies in the capital of Xiliang had received a letter from Feige from Nanyue two days ago, they lurked around General Xuanyuan's mansion as quickly as possible, but they couldn't recognize him at all because of Xuanyuan Yexiao's disguise. , so I never saw him at all.

Although late at night is the most suitable time to act, but at this moment, Xuanyuan Yexiao can't guarantee it.It was afternoon, the wives, aunts, sons-in-law and young ladies took a nap, some went out, some came back after lunch, the servants of Xuanyuan Mansion came in and out, it happened to be the most chaotic time.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xuanyuan Yexiao jumped into the wall silently.

Just after entering Xuanyuan Mansion, people were still in the air, and they felt the secret murderous aura on the big tree in the courtyard.The other party had obviously been hiding here for some time, and was in the mid-afternoon fatigue period. He hadn't reacted to Xuanyuan Yexiao's sudden appearance before his neck was broken by the other party.

This big tree is very dense, and it is completely difficult for people to hide in it. That's why Xuanyuan Chun arranged the killer here.

Looking at the corpse, Xuanyuan Yexiao sneered coldly.Although he never had any hope for Grandpa Xuanyuanchun, because of his mother, he still regarded this place as his home, and even thought that one day when the iron cavalry from the Northern Wei Dynasty or Nanyue broke through the gate of Xiliang, he would try his best to keep Xuanyuan Home.

But after seeing this killer, this thought disappeared in an instant.

This home never gave him any warmth, but he could bear it because it was his mother's home.But now people in this family still want his life, so he can't blame him for not treating himself as a member of the Xuanyuan family.

After quickly taking off the killer's clothes and putting them on himself, and then tying him to a tree with his own clothes, Xuanyuan Yexiao lurked towards the courtyard where Sanfang's mother was at the fastest speed.

This courtyard is the smallest one in Xuanyuan's family. Ever since his father married his mother, Xuanyuan Chun was furious and drove their family to this remote courtyard where servants usually live.

(End of this chapter)

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