Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1368 Mother, follow me!

Chapter 1368 Mother, follow me!
"Yes Yes!"

The servant girl trembled and took countless deep breaths to stabilize her emotions. After organizing her words, she said:
"The servant girl is the servant girl in the eldest wife's room. You know it, young master. The servant girl doesn't know many things, so I just know the general idea. It seems that the emperor found the old lady some time ago and asked the old lady to dedicate you, the young master, to the court. Take Xuanyuan's family for surgery.

The old man knew that you had no feelings for the Xuanyuan family, so he told you that there was absolutely no way to call you back, so..."

The servant girl glanced nervously at Xuanyuan Yexiao who had a dark face, and said, "So the third wife drank chronic poison, which broke the third wife's body, and then passed on a family letter to you. The old master's original words were that as long as you The third wife is down, no matter how dangerous it is, you will come back.

Slave... The duty of the slave is to let the third wife drink this slow poison potion every day, so as to destroy her body.Others... the other servants don't know.I beg... I beg the young master to spare the servant girl, the servant girl also obeyed orders! "

The servant girl was terrified now, looking in horror at the young master who was as beautiful as a manjushahua.

Although flowers are beautiful, only the dead can appreciate them, but she...she doesn't want to become a dead person yet!

Xuanyuan Yexiao showed a wicked smile and said, "Since you came here on order, help them die first!"

After all, Xuanyuan Yexiao had already stood up before the maidservant could utter an exclamation. With a flying kick, he kicked the two large broken bowl fragments left on the ground into the maidservant's eyes.

The fragments were inserted very deep, directly into the eye nerve and into the brain.

The servant girl's mouth grew very big, her whole face was full of horror, she fell to the ground, frozen into a corpse.

After calming down the anger in his heart, Xuanyuan Yexiao smiled and turned to face Yu Ji and said, "Mother, don't be afraid, my son knows a friend, she is the ancestor who used poison, and even the poison around Mo Yunfang like Mu You None of them are her opponents.

You must have heard of her, she is Baili Xiao, the Queen of South Vietnam.She is Bailifeng's own younger sister, as long as she takes action, she will definitely make mother recover. "

At this moment, Concubine Yu was already in tears. She insisted on waiting for her son to come back, but she didn't want her son to be deceived by the family and be arrested.Now that she can see her son alive for the last time, she is already very happy.

Yu Ji shook her head, stretched out her hand to caress her son's shockingly beautiful face.This face, combined with her husband's charm and her own appearance, is the greatest achievement in her life.

Xuanyuan Yexiao stretched out his hand to hold his mother and stroked his hand, and said, "Mother, come with me, this place is no longer worth your nostalgia, my son swears that after all the dust settles, he will definitely send you back Here, let you stay with Dad all the time. We are only leaving temporarily now."

After that, he prepared to leave with his mother in his arms.

"Xiao'er, don't!" Yu Ji stretched out her hand to stop it.

"Why?" Xuanyuan Yexiao said anxiously: "Mother, you heard what this bastard said just now. They did this just to use you to threaten their son. As long as you leave with me, their calculations will be over." It failed. Mother, don't hesitate any longer, come with me, I promise to send you back in the future, so that you can spend a good few years with dad!"

(Updated on August 3th)
(End of this chapter)

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