Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1374 Absolutely Cannot Die!

Chapter 1374 Absolutely Cannot Die!
The grandfather and grandson walked side by side, followed closely by the son of the Xuanyuan family.Although some of them could not bear Xuanyuan Yexiao, but in Xuanyuan's house, a place where people can't spit out their bones, if they couldn't bear it, they were not qualified to survive.

If grandpa knew that he felt sorry for Xuanyuan Yexiao and wanted to help him, then he would definitely die faster than Xuanyuan Yexiao.

In such a huge Xuanyuan Mansion, among the hundred or so children of the Xuanyuan family, none of them dared to stand up to defend Xuanyuan Yexiao.

The exit of the secret passage is very secret, and it is only 60 meters away from the inner city river.It can be said that this place is sparsely populated on weekdays. It is estimated that his father did not expect that one day 5 people would come to intercept his son in this place, so when Xuanyuan Yexiao crawled out of the secret passage, he was almost there immediately. The elite soldiers who were deployed here were discovered.

The battle is imminent.

Two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how good his martial arts is, he still has no way to compete with 5 elite soldiers.

At this moment, when there was no hope at all, Xuanyuan Yexiao still exerted his greatest strength and fought with the elite soldiers who surrounded him.

Xiao'er said that Baili has feelings for him, if he doesn't have feelings, Baili will definitely tell him the first time, so that he will give up his heart completely.

But Baili didn't do that.He ignored him, no matter what he said to him, he didn't respond to him, he was struggling.So he must have feelings for him.

He wants to live, he must live, try his best to live!Only by surviving can he have a chance to see the day when Baili expresses his feelings for him, and he will be able to be happy.

Although his mother could no longer see him, he hoped that he could live and gave Baili the jade pendant that his mother gave him.

If Baili can really accept him, then he will definitely become the happiest man in the world.

So, he can't die!Absolutely not to die!

Before seeing his mother, he thought that if the rescue failed, he would commit suicide immediately, and he was determined not to be a burden to Baili.At this moment, he still thinks like this, and he is determined not to be a burden to Baili, but he will not commit suicide, he will only die in battle.

As long as he survived the battle, he would definitely have a chance to see him again without dragging Baili down.

Bailifeng became all the motivation for Xuanyuan Yexiao at this moment.

The appearance of Xuanyuan Yexiao brought more and more soldiers by the river, and the front 30 meters were moving relatively smoothly, but the further back, the closer to the river, the greater the resistance, and it can be said that it was difficult.

As he desperately approached the river, Xuanyuan Yexiao suffered more and more injuries.The linen white clothes have been dyed crimson at this moment.Among them was his own blood, as well as the blood of the enemy.

There is still 20 meters away from the river. If the barrier is not so strong, it is almost a distance to turn over in the air. However, when the body is seriously injured and the enemy's elite soldiers are everywhere, this 20 meters is undoubtedly the distance from hell to heaven. .

Xuanyuan Yexiao had no idea how many soldiers he had beheaded, only Xuanyuan Chun who was standing on a high place when he came here could see it.

Even though Xuanyuan Yexiao stood against him today, he was still amazed that such a martial arts genius came out of his Xuanyuan mansion.

(Updated on August 3th)
Poor Xuanyuan!Everyone, be mentally prepared...

My monthly ticket and recommended ticket are so few!I want to complain to you guys, I saw that people have more author recommendation votes than me in one or two updates a day today, so I am so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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