Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1385 The Efficacy of Seven-Colored Flowers

Chapter 1385 The Efficacy of Seven Colored Flowers
"Prince Yong, don't worry, just listen to the old man. It stands to reason that Mr. Xuanyuan's body injury is absolutely lifeless, there is no way to save it, but just now when the old man was diagnosing his pulse, he discovered... that the vitality that should have been The extremely fragile Young Master Xuanyuan, after suffering such a serious injury, unexpectedly... has extremely tenacious vitality."

Doctor Wang felt that it was really irresponsible for him to say this.But... the pulse of Xuanyuan Yexiao, who was supposed to be tending towards the pulse of the dead, was beyond his comprehension.

"This old man has been diagnosing patients for nearly 40 years. In the past 40 years, it can be said that he has never missed a pulse for a single person. But Mr. Xuanyuan's pulse is really... This is the first time this old man has seen such a mortal person. Such a vibrant pulse.

So... Originally, the old man wanted to tell Prince Yong after seeing Young Master Xuanyuan's injury, maybe after taking the medicine, Young Master Xuanyuan could live for a few days, but in terms of this injury alone, there is no chance of death.But now that Mr. Xuanyuan's pulse is strange, the old man really doesn't know what to do.

May I ask Prince Yong, what kind of special physique does Master Xuanyuan have? "

Bailifeng was taken aback, thinking of the seven-color flowers that Xuanyuan had fed in the river before, he immediately said: "He doesn't have any special physique, but when he was running for his life, this king fed him seven-color flowers in the river."

"Seven-color flower?" Doctor Wang frowned: "What is this? Why does it sound so familiar?"

"I don't know what the effect of this flower is, but I heard from Xiao'er that the seven-color flower can detoxify, repair the meridians, and have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Before the emperor's heart was severely injured, it was also thanks to the seven-color flower Fully recovered."

Doctor Wang said in a daze: "I never thought that these seven-color flowers could have such effects... er... what?" Doctor Wang was suddenly excited, and he grabbed Bailifeng's sleeve and asked, "You just now What did you say? You said seven-color flower? Is it the legendary seven-color flower?"

Seeing Doctor Wang's flushed face, Bailifeng's heart was also agitated, and the world that had almost collapsed stabilized slightly, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Doctor Wang, what did you mean by that just now? Did you mean...Xuanyuan?" Will everything be okay?"

After the excitement, Doctor Wang checked Xuanyuan Yexiao again, frowned and said: "Prince Yong, the matter has come to an end, let me tell you this, the original son Xuanyuan's injury has absolutely no way out.

You see, this arrow is so thick, and there is such a big barb on it. You see, the barb is movable and can be shrunk, but even if the old man shrinks him to this size, his arrow is still smaller than ordinary arrows. More than twice as big.In other words, the damage that Young Master Xuanyuan suffered in his body now is definitely not as big as this arrow. "

Seeing Bailifeng nod his head, Doctor Wang said: "The reason why I said that Mr. Xuanyuan was dead or not was because of such a big wound. He bled to death, and definitely died of heart failure from an infected wound."

"What about now?" Bailifeng was going crazy!This doctor Wang is really not ordinary.Now he only cares about whether Xuanyuan can survive, why can't he just tell him directly?
(End of this chapter)

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