Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1387 Xuanyuan, I am here!

Chapter 1387 Xuanyuan, I am here!
"Xuanyuan, I'm here!"

Bailifeng hugged Xuanyuan Yexiao's half body tightly, wanting to hug him tighter to give him strength, but afraid of hurting him.

After waking up, Xuanyuan Yexiao instantly felt a sharp pain, which made it extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

Seeing Xuanyuan whose chest was heaving and trembling violently, fearing that his movements would be too large and affect the wound, Bailifeng immediately stretched out a hand from behind and held the opponent's hand tightly, murmuring incessantly:
"Xuanyuan, wake up, it's me, I'm by your side!"

Baili clearly felt the body of the person leaning in his arms tremble slightly uncontrollably, and then the violently heaving and trembling chest began to gradually calm down.

Xuanyuan opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but every time he raised his breath to speak, he was shocked by a tearing pain and couldn't speak.

He tried to speak twice in a row, but failed except for being sweated profusely from the pain.

Bailifeng quickly stretched out his hand to cover the wound that had just stopped, but began to ooze blood again due to violent trembling, and said anxiously, "Don't move, don't talk, and adjust your breathing evenly."

Xuanyuan showed a miserable smile, and slowly adjusted his breathing evenly.

He knew his own injury best. He knew from the moment he was shot underwater that there was absolutely no possibility of surviving with such an injury.

But he was very happy, because at least he saw Baili before he died.The fact that Baili could appear by his side so quickly can only mean that the **** left before him, and Baili came almost without a moment's delay.

This alone is enough for him to die in peace.

Thinking back to the scene of Baili kissing him in the river and crossing his breath for him in order to take care of him, Xuanyuan's heart was filled with a hot current.This is his first kiss. Ever since he fell in love with Baili, he has always wanted to find a chance to give it to him.

Originally, she had been struggling with how to get him to accept her first kiss. Hehe, I didn't expect him to kiss herself in the water.

This feeling is really good...

Thinking that he would bid farewell to this world soon, Xuanyuan Yexiao felt a deep sense of reluctance.

He was not afraid of death, not at all.But he was afraid that after he died, he would have to walk up the Naihe Bridge alone and drink Mengpo soup.

It is said that after death, there will be a guide who will come to attract the dead soul, and then immediately lead the dead soul to walk through the Wangchuan Road and cross the Naihe Bridge. to the afterlife.

He died so early, but Baili still has to live for a long, long time. If he has no way to wait for him there and reincarnates, is it possible that when Baili is reincarnated again, he will be already dead? Is it an old man?
He can bear that Baili ignores him for the rest of his life, so that he can wait.Not in this life, he can wait for the next life.As long as they are about the same age, he has a chance.

But if he died like this, even if he got Baili's kiss and his love at this moment, it's a pity that he hasn't come to enjoy it in a hurry, and he will have to bear the next life, and the next life they may never be together It hurts, so...he is really worth it!

How did Bailifeng know that Xuanyuan was in such a state of mind at the moment?If he knew, he would immediately express his opinion: If you dare to die, I will marry a wife immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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