Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1391 Let Li come!

Chapter 1391 Let Baili come!

Didn't he know that if he kept holding the arrow like this, Xuanyuan Yexiao's pain would increase a lot?That thing penetrated Xuanyuan Yexiao's body, even if he moved his body slightly, it would drag his wound.

But Bailifeng kept holding it like this. Didn't he see that Xuanyuan Yexiao was sweating from the pain because of his hesitation?

Doctor Wang's cry was neither a thunderbolt nor a report, but Bailifeng's hand holding the arrow trembled uncontrollably in fright.


The arrow was suddenly pried, and Xuanyuan Yexiao couldn't help groaning.

"Hey... the old man should find someone again!" Doctor Wang shook his head, feeling determined not to let Bailifeng touch Xuanyuan Yexiao again.

Otherwise, even if the opponent doesn't die from this arrow, he will die from Bailifeng's hands.It's so cheating!
"Xuanyuan!" Seeing Xuanyuan Yexiao groan in pain, Bailifeng felt so distressed.He knew that it was his fault just now, all his fault.

Xuanyuan Yexiao's face was whiter than rice paper from the pain, but he still gave Bailifeng an encouraging smile at this moment.

"Go find Li Yuan and ask him to help the old man."

Doctor Wang involuntarily ordered the old bustard who was so nervous that he was about to tear his handkerchief to pieces.

When Bailifeng heard that Dr. Wang didn't want to come by himself, he felt infinitely wronged.

At this moment, he wanted to advance and retreat with Xuanyuan, and wanted Xuanyuan to get through the crisis with his help and warmth.But he also knew that what he did just now was really clumsy, so for the sake of Xuanyuan, even if he didn't want to do anything to others at this moment, he could only listen to the doctor's words.

Now, Doctor Wang is his and Xuanyuan's heaven!

Seeing Bailifeng's loss in a flash, Xuanyuan immediately called out to the old bustard: "Mother Qin...Mom!"

"Shahua, what's the matter?" The bustard heard Xuanyuan calling her, and immediately ran to Xuanyuan.Although she knew who this was in front of her, she was still used to calling him Sha Hua.

"Let... Baili come!"

"Doctor Wang, Shahua wants Prince Yong to help him, or...or let Prince Yong come!" The old bustard couldn't match Xuanyuan's extremely weak eyes at the moment, and his heart would be broken by this monster up.After hearing Xuanyuan's words, she immediately interceded for him.

Dr. Wang glanced at Xuanyuan with a resolute expression, and then at Baili who was looking forward to it, sighed and nodded.In my heart, there is infinite slander:
This Xuanyuan Yexiao is really an infatuated kind who only cares about feelings and doesn't care about life!The other party's clumsiness almost tormented him to death, but he would rather ask the other party to torment than take away the other party's kindness.

The person concerned has agreed, what else can he say?It's just the doctor's parents' heart. They don't want to see their patients being like this and being tossed needlessly.

Doctor Wang didn't know at all that Xuanyuan Yexiao was feeling sweet in his heart at this moment.Not only is it sweet, but it also looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, thinking happily:

Anyway, he was already injured like this, and he couldn't die after eating seven-color flowers anyway, the more Baili was nervous, the more he tossed him, the more pain he was made, the more it showed that Baili cared about him.

So not only does he not reject this pain, but he likes it very much.Hmm, let's make the pain more intense!

Dr. Wang was worried all by himself, and said with extreme disgust:
(End of this chapter)

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