Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1420 Xuanyuan Chun Was Beaten By A Group

Chapter 1420 Xuanyuan Chun Was Beaten By A Group
And in a month and a half, not to mention arresting people, not even a single hair was caught.The commander, Qu Li, was also punished many times by Yelu Boyang for not doing things well, and he no longer had the pleasure of being the commander of the Imperial Guards.

After more than 360 sneak attacks in a month and a half, both the officials and the emperor have been terrified and depressed by the almost endless sneak attacks.

In one and a half months, Yelu Boyang was injured three times. Among the 3 Beijing officials above the fifth rank, 527 Beijing officials were killed, and more than 80 Beijing officials were injured to varying degrees.

With such a result, it was still marked that his subordinates were merciful.

For example, after Yelu Boyang was injured three times, once slightly injured, once moderately injured, and once seriously injured, he received a note from Bailifeng, saying that he would let him go temporarily and save his life to witness the fall of Xiliang capital .

For example, those Beijing officials, the gates of the 80 dead Beijing officials were all posted with the same content, which read: Who asked you to be friends with Xuanyuan Chun?deserve it!
There were more than 300 injured Beijing officials, and all the doors were pasted with a note: Don't have any contact with Xuanyuan Chun, or you will die!

In the end, those who were not injured really had nothing to do with Xuanyuan Mansion.

The entire capital city has been turned into a miasma, and it stands to reason that the person everyone hates the most should be Bailifeng.It is true that everyone also hated Bailifeng, wishing to have him skinned and cramped, but after a month and a half, now everyone hates Xuanyuanchun the most.

Who made this old man treat his grandson like this?You are such a wolf-hearted thing!A paralyzed tiger venom doesn't even eat eggs, you are not even as good as a beast!

Grass-you-damn!The Emperor Paralyzed asked you to capture Xuanyuan Yexiao alive, you are so incompetent, just let him go!What the hell, no matter how unfilial he is, he is still your own grandson, your own grandson!You let people go, are you going to die?

Paralysis No matter whether you were captured alive or released, Bailifeng would not be so mad.But it's good for you to be immortal, if you can't catch a living one, you might as well kill it!

Why don't you kill yourself?
Now Xuanyuan Yexiao is dead... Paralyzed, a scholar dies for his confidant, haven't you heard of it?Illiteracy!Paralyzed, you have never eaten pork, but you have always seen pigs walking!
This is just great!Xuanyuan Yexiao died, but the unlucky ones were those court officials who couldn't even touch him.

They had nothing to do with this matter, and they were treated as targets of revenge...

Xuanyuanchun was also wronged. He cried in the hall and put the corpses of the two grandsons together bit by bit, saying that his own grandson had been mutilated, and he was also a victim!

As a result, not only did he not get the emperor's sympathy, but he was called a pig by Yelu Boyang.After retiring from the court, Xuanyuanchun was beaten into a pig's head by a group of ministers whose families were ruined.

The poor old general Xuanyuan was carried back, and just after entering the house, the two daughters-in-law brought a large number of concubines to cry for the funeral, saying that the uncle and the second master had been kidnapped.

The two grandchildren were dismembered, and now even the two sons have been taken away.In addition to being angered by Bailifeng and the unreasonable courtiers in the hall, Xuanyuanchun suffered a stroke after vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Except for the first day when Bailifeng ordered people to go to Xuanyuan Mansion to snatch Xuanyuan Yexiao's mother's body, and used one or two bombs on Xuanyuan Mansion, in the next month and a half,

(End of this chapter)

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