Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1448 Strange belly space

Chapter 1448 Strange belly space
But Baili Xiao was messed up.

Can you do this?

I have never had a B-ultrasound, so I can see the gender of the child through the opened palace-mouth?

"You... how did you see it?" It wasn't that she talked too much.

At this moment, she really doesn't have the strength to speak, but... how can she see the inside of the womb from the entrance of the palace?Not to mention that it's so dark inside that you can't see anything, even if you can see it, there is only so little space inside, so where can you see those things?

"Your Majesty, it's true! Your stomach is so strange!"

As soon as a medical girl spoke, she was beaten by Mrs. Wen and the medical girl beside her.So the little doctor girl shut up immediately.

"I want to be honest! I heard some of what you said just now, but I just don't understand what your eyes mean. You said just now that my stomach is so big. What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Wen Po and the medical girls immediately knelt down.

"Your Majesty, it's like this. Although your belly seems to be only this big, but... But the slave girl looked in from the outside, but found that there is a big space in your belly. At least one is enough for a little The space for the prince to move around inside. That's why the servants can see clearly that the one inside is the little prince and not the little princess!" A steady woman explained.

Bailixiao took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart forcefully, and asked, "Have you ever seen a situation like this before?"

"Mistress Qi, I've never seen it before!"

"Then do you think I can still give birth to this child?"

"..." Wen Po and the medical girls looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, Wen Po, who had the most experience in delivering babies, affirmed:

"Yes! It must be possible!"

"Tell me your reason!"

"The servant girl believes that if the cervix has been dilated for a whole night and the mother's physical condition is abnormally good, the child should have been born smoothly. Those who cannot give birth smoothly or even have dystocia, some are due to improper fetal position, and some are due to the mother's physical condition. not good.

Niang Niang, you are in good health, and the fetal position of the little prince has always been upright, so this servant thinks that you will be able to give birth to the little prince smoothly.

Because it was the first time for the servants to see the phenomenon of the empress giving birth, they were a little flustered.But the servant guessed that the little prince is a smart child, he must have been naughty inside because he felt that he was not born yet, every time we asked him to come out, he slipped away immediately.

But the slaves just ignored him, now, the fetal position is upright again! "

The last sentence, Wen Po said very quietly, for fear of being heard by a certain treasure in her stomach, and then deliberately wandered away.

After listening to Wen Po's words, Bailixiao felt relieved and began to gather strength for the real time of childbirth.

She believed what she said.Really believe it!
From the moment she was pregnant with this child, she felt that this child must not be an ordinary child.It's not because of the mother's psychological troubles, but because she really feels this way.

Now, as her body became weaker and weaker, her senses became stronger and stronger, so strong that she could even feel the energy contained in every molecule of air.

She believes that this is a special function brought about by childbirth, and it is the ability that the baby bestowed on her.

(Updated on August 4th)
Ahem, don't complain, Bailixiao and Qianyeming are coming back soon, and it's normal to give birth to a super invincible treasure.It's a little bit out of harmony and can't cater to the tastes of all readers, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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