Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1456 Chapter 3

Chapter 1456 Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations
"go out!"

Everyone had just kicked open the door when they heard Qian Yeming roar and quickly jumped over here.Seeing this, the few people who rushed in hurriedly dispersed.

At the moment everyone dispersed, wherever Bailixiao's blood was stained in the room, it was struck by lightning and turned into a hole.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the magnificent Caixia Palace, the empress' bedroom, turned into a pile of rubble.

Xiao Tao will jump at Baili Xiao, and then tear off her bloody inner lining, and then, like a shooting star, with a flash of white light, they come to the nine people who are so frightened that their eyes are tearing apart. Give them the bloody lining.

Now the whole sky is so dark that you can't stretch your fingers, but the clouds in the sky are still thickening. In the dark clouds, there are silver lights interlaced. Thousands of silver lights shuttle back and forth in the clouds, colliding with each other from time to time, There was a "click" sound, and then it hit something related to Bailixiao.

Bailiyi, Bailihan, Bailifeng, Xuanyuan Yexiao, Feng Wenzhuo, Gaifeng, Jincao, Mingyue, Qingfeng, plus a Qianyeming who was holding a Bailixiao, and a little girl with a bloody coat in her paws. Tao, kept dodging under the lightning and thunder.

Fortunately, the Caixia Hall was extremely empty, and several people were able to dodge under the lightning by virtue of their extremely deep internal strength and agility.

Under the obstruction of the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guard Army and the Habayashi Army, all the Imperial Guard Army and the Habayashi Army built a human wall with their bodies, blocking all the ministers who wanted to see what happened.

Everyone can see clearly that although the sky is eerily eerie and the thunder is deafening, it seems that such terrifying Tianwei is only aimed at the Empress alone.

With this understanding, everyone wanted to get closer to see what was going on, why the empress angered God, and suffered such a thunder disaster when giving birth.

It is said that people are doing what the sky is watching, and there are gods three feet above their heads. Could it be that the empress did something ignorant, which angered the gods and was struck by lightning?

Although the ministers are far away from the center of the Caixia Palace, they can vaguely see the emperor and several princes in the open space outside the palace. The white dog next to the empress.

At this moment, its figure is more than ten times larger than usual. Although it is still the same as before, it is the one that dodges left and right in the air without touching the ground, playing with most of the lightning in the sky in the applause. How does it look like a dog?

Just when everyone was staring at this side with wide-eyed eyes, for fear of missing any information, Bailixiao was lying safely in Qianyeming's arms, continuing to absorb massive amounts of energy.

She was worried that if she absorbed it like this, would the creatures in this continent of Kyushu die?
"Look, everyone, all the flowers, plants and trees are withered!"

Just when everyone was focusing on the Caixia Palace, someone shouted, and everyone turned their heads to look around.

Jinling is originally located at the junction of the subtropical zone and the tropics. Because it receives a lot of sunlight and sufficient water, the vegetation is very lush.This is the case in Jinling City, let alone the imperial palace.

(End of this chapter)

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