Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1491 Thank you on behalf of the whole family

Chapter 1491 Thank you on behalf of the whole family
Son, give your father a face!Your father's one-year vacation and the happiness of our family in the next year depend on you!
"Baby, don't you want to leave Father? Do you want Father to review memorials every day and not play with you? If so, don't cry, okay?"

"Wow wow wow... um..."

The baby who was crying so loudly, crying so loudly and so powerlessly, stopped crying instantly after hearing Qian Yeming's words.

Afterwards, a pair of big eyes with pear blossoms and dew looked at his three uncles with great aggrievedness, and even the maids and nuns standing by could clearly see the meaning.

Although Xiao Baozi can't speak, but the facial expression is in place, it is absolutely unprecedented.

"Aiya, the little prince is really saying that the three princes are taking up the emperor's time!" The nanny, who had already seen the gods, suddenly yelled loudly, and said what the little bun wanted to say at the moment.

Don't blame her for not being big or young, don't blame her for not distinguishing between high and low, it's true that strange things happen every year, but the strange things that happen to the little prince are too strange.

Such a small child, who has only been born for one day, can actually understand what adults say.Not only can you understand, but you can also fully express your wishes with extremely accurate expressions.

Although when the little prince was born, everyone saw a golden phoenix spreading its wings soaring into the sky, but after the golden phoenix disappeared, what everyone faced was just an extremely fragile baby.

So at this moment, the baby suddenly has such aura, it's no wonder that the nun had a great time watching the play, and even yelled out loud.

The words that Mammy said out of astonishment, amazement, and excitement immediately greeted the triplets with extremely resentful eyes.

What is "the emperor's time occupied by the three princes"?How to speak?Will you speak?How do you understand?
Qian Yeming was originally the emperor of the Kyushu Kingdom, and it was his duty to shoulder the responsibilities of the emperor!Even if the three of them helped Qian Yeming to be the emperor for a year, it was they who helped. Why would it be seen from the outside world that if they didn't help, they would be taking up the emperor's time?

This, this, this... How can I come up with such a nonsensical word?
After receiving the three looks, Mammy quickly lowered her head, as if she hadn't said what she said just now.

But at this moment, Qianyeming laughed!

At this moment, he felt that his future was infinitely bright!Wearing the emperor's hat, but there are three long-term workers to help him.Such a good thing really shouldn't be too beautiful!

"Three uncles, how are you? I just said that a father's love is incomparable and irreplaceable, right? You just don't believe it! Look, the little prince is still so young and weak, and he needs father's love Protect him, cherish him, and bring him safety and happiness."

After receiving the three faces that were almost cannibalistic, Qian Yeming coughed dryly, and immediately got back to business: "Then for the next year and one month, I will be counting on the three uncles. I am here to replace Xiaoer , instead of the little prince, thank the three uncles!

Thank you for your thoughtfulness, and thank you for your fulfillment!Your love for Xiaoer and the little prince is true love! "

At this moment, Bailifeng felt the complaint from five pairs of eyes.

(Updated on August 4th)
Gu Liang asked who Yun Yue was.Answer: Yunyue's full name is Emperor Yunyue, she is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven and sister of Caixia.Her husband is the Demon Emperor Chi Yan.For the story of Yun Yue and Chi Yan, please refer to the completed article "The Evil King Dotes on His Wife Without Limits: Ace Concubine" for details.

Today, a girl wished my uncle a happy birthday and congratulated me by saying that we have passed the seven-year itch.I was a little shy at the time.But after dinner at night, I suddenly felt itchy, very itchy!
When I went to the restaurant for dinner at night, I had a whim and said to my uncle: Uncle, you can carry me on your back.The uncle said: Do you want me to hold your hand forever, or want me to carry you for a while, you choose.I was angry, and asked back: Could it be that you can't hold my hand for the rest of your life if you backed me?Am I going to cripple you?The uncle said calmly: "It's not about crushing the disabled, it's about belching!"I:……

Damn it!Beauties, you don't think about marriage for a moment, right?
(End of this chapter)

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