Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1538 We are not in a hurry

Chapter 1538 We are not in a hurry

So when the quarter of an hour was about to pass, the head manager couldn't sit still.At least a hundred people were detained here. If the government cannot arrive within a quarter of an hour, the Guo family will have to give more than 1 taels of silver.

"I've seen the chief executive!" The subordinate who was sent to the government came back, and the chief inspector stretched his neck and asked, "Where are the people from the government?"

"Master Wei asked us to come back first, he said that he would bring someone over to have a look in person after a while!"

The subordinate thought he had done a good job, and looked proud, but the chief executive gave him a slap in the face: "Bastard! There are so many people waiting here, and you came back by yourself? Let me go back immediately Please, invite me the people from the government as quickly as possible, Jing Zhaoyin can't come for the time being, let other officers and soldiers come!"

When the gamblers heard this, they immediately felt relieved.They all found stools and sat down, hugged their clothes and shoes in their arms, cooperated very cooperatively, and said politely: "Boss, don't be in a hurry! Anyway, there is a loss of work loss, let us wait here as long as we want!"

The head manager blushed, and wanted to take back the previous words of giving 100 taels of silver every quarter of an hour, but the gamblers here are not easy to kill, besides, there are so many people outside listening and watching Well, if he repents now, the Guo family won't have to hang around outside in the future.

However, the ideal is complete, and the reality is skinny.

If the head of the family, Guo Li, was present, he would definitely give the chief executive a slap in the face.Damn stupid!Yesterday he offended Commander Qingfeng because he molested Hua girl and was beaten so badly that he couldn't even get out of bed, so he went to beg for help today.

He has never eaten pork and has seen pigs walk. If this Jing Zhaoyin is not a direct descendant of the emperor, how could he sit in such an important position and not fall down?Qingfeng is a super popular person next to the emperor. The Guo family has offended Qingfeng. With Jing Zhaoyin here, the Guo family can still get benefits?

But the chief manager didn't think so much at all. In order to protect the Buddha on weekdays, Jing Zhaoyin didn't take care of it.And today their Guo family was indeed attacked by thieves, such a big matter must be reported to the authorities!

A quarter of an hour passed, and the gamblers and the common people became excited in an instant. They specially found a pen and paper, and asked the chief manager to sign the compensation for lost work that should be paid to them in a quarter of an hour.

The head manager suppressed a sulky feeling, and counted the number of gamblers present. Fortunately, there were only 112 people, and they could still afford more than 1 taels of silver, especially if they could catch the thief. It is indeed not wronged.

"How about you, brothers, are you right? The Guo family has a big business, and they don't even pay attention to 40 taels of gold. This mere 1 taels of silver is definitely a small amount that sticks between their teeth in their eyes." Xiao Xuanxuan couldn't understand the faces of the Guo family at all, and praised with a smile.

"That's right, little brother, brothers are thanks to you this time! Hahahaha..."

The gamblers laughed happily, and blamed Xiao Xuanxuan for getting lost wages, and they were really grateful to him.

Many of them are small gamblers, 100 taels of silver is enough for them to be chic for a long time.

Just when the second quarter of an hour was about to arrive, one of the subordinates sent by the Guo family came back panting.

"Where's the person?" The chief executive stood up and asked hastily.

"Reporting to the chief executive, Jing Zhaoyin said that since the chief executive has brought the suspect under control, then wait for him.

(End of this chapter)

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