Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1543 Voyeurism

Chapter 1543 Voyeurism

But the flower girl was not affected at all.For the little prince, it is really good to the bone.The dining room is always prepared in advance with all kinds of food that the little prince and Xiaobai like to eat.

After lunch, Xiao Baozi returned to the palace with his round belly, and Bai, who was still full of resentment at first, but became full of blood again after eating.

"It's still early, Xiao Yueyue must still be taking a nap, let's go say hello to father and mother first!"

"All right!"

Xiaobai obediently followed Xiaoxuanxuan's buttocks, and the annoyance of being annoyed by a stingy little master in the morning has long since dissipated.

A steamed stuffed bun and a white dog walked happily in the palace. The bright sunshine and the colorful sea of ​​flowers became the best background to set off them.

"His Royal Highness, are you here?" When Eunuch De saw the little prince, his old face immediately smiled into a chrysanthemum.

"Well, hello, Eunuch De!"

Although Xiao Xuanxuan is a devil, the people in the palace like him from the bottom of their hearts.Not for anything else, just for his majestic prince, no matter if he sees a eunuch or a court lady, his mouth will be so sweet that it will make people die of joy.

"His Royal Highness, do you have anything special? This old slave will report it for you."

"It's nothing, I'm just saying hello to my father and mother, and I'll make an appointment with Xiao Yueyue later in the afternoon."

"It turns out to be greetings! The emperor ordered, Your Highness, you don't need to greet at noon today. The emperor and the empress are taking a lunch break. If your highness wants to go out to play with Princess Yue, you can go out. The emperor ordered your highness to take good care of Princess Yue. Tonight Just send Princess Yue back to the palace before the meal."

Xiao Xuanxuan glanced at the heavily guarded Caixia Hall with colored eyes, and nodded obediently: "Okay, thank you, Eunuch De."

"Your Highness, you are too polite!"

Looking at the little bun with his belly sticking out and walking in a dignified manner, Eunuch De's smile came from the bottom of his heart.

what a boy!What a polite boy!This is the smartest, most polite, most worry-free, and cutest child in the world. Why can't the emperor and queen be a little gentler to the little prince?
Under the benevolent and loving eyes of the virtuous father-in-law, the little meat bun who was praised just now as the best in the world, after turning a corner, the evil is exposed.

"Xiaobai, cover me, let's go to Caixia Palace!"

Xiao Bai behind was stunned: "What are we going to Caixia Palace for? Aren't your father and mother sleeping?"

Xiao Xuanxuan taught with a look of hating iron but not steel: "What kind of beast are you, why are you so easy to deceive? It's broad daylight, and my parents are not sick or sore, why are you taking a nap? He said you believe it too ?”

Xiaobai shook his little ears, his head turned to one side, and he still didn't understand: "But why did your father and mother lie to you? Could it be that they weren't in the Caixia Palace?" Even if they weren't in the Caixia Palace, he went to the Caixia Palace Can't find anyone in the palace!And why do you want to transmit your voice secretly in this palace, making it look like a thief?
Ever since Xiao Xuanxuan turned around and said he was going to Caixia Palace, he has been communicating with it in secret.As for?

Xiao Xuanxuan rolled his eyes and said, "Stupid! Eunuch De is here, how could father and mother go out, they must still be in Caixia Palace."

"Then why don't you go in directly?"
Tomorrow my dad will have surgery, two chapters will be added today, and two chapters will be subtracted tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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