Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1550 How can it become a crystal?

Chapter 1550 How can it become a crystal?

It boiled instantly, and seized the opportunity to "bajibaji", and took several mouthfuls on Xiaoyueyue's puffy cheeks.

Xiao Yueyue didn't dislike Xiao Xuanxuan's saliva at all, she giggled like silver bells.

While the other four little buns were angry in their hearts, but on the surface they had an expression that they couldn't see or hear, each of them formed a world of their own, detached.

Finally, Xiao Yueyue couldn't bear the itching anymore, she smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you haven't told me why your uncle and aunt are angry with you!"

After Xiao Xuanxuan kissed enough, he sighed and said, "Because I went to study at noon."

"What to learn?"

"Learn to make people!" Xiao Xuanxuan took it for granted.

"Create a man? What kind of man will you make?"

Xiao Yueyue was puzzled, but the other four little buns immediately surrounded Xiao Xuanxuan.They want to listen too!

Seeing that the four little bastards were not so annoying anymore, Xiao Xuanxuan decided to show his prestige in front of these four people.So he said old-fashionedly: "Do you know how we were made?"

Xiao Yueyue replied: "We are the crystallization of love!"

Xiao Xuanxuan asked: "Then what is the crystallization of love? How did we become the crystallization?"

"Mother told me that we came out of our stomachs!" Bai Lichen said.

"Yes, but you still haven't explained how we become crystals."

"It was Daddy who stuffed the picture of the little doll into the soles of mother's feet, and then we got out of the stomach." Bailifan said.

"But my father said that after praying to the Buddha, the mother-in-law sent us into my mother's belly. It was the baby that the mother-in-law gave to my father and mother." Bailixing expressed his opinion.

Xiao Xuanxuan looked at Bailichen, Bailihao with a paralyzed face, and his lovely little Yueyue, and asked, "Then what do you think?"

They all have the same parents, and there is no other answer to the cognition of crystallization, whether it is sending the child to the empress or stuffing the doll from the sole of the foot.

"Then let me tell you, you have all been deceived!"

"Ah—?" All the little buns cried out, clamoring for Xiao Xuanxuan to tell them the answer.

Xiao Xuanxuan really likes the feeling of being surrounded by these little kids, looking at their ignorant eyes and his family's Xiao Yueyue's adoring eyes, Xiao Xuan has a feeling of superiority.

It feels best to be the boss or something.

"My mother is different. She never lied to me like your parents lied to children. I knew since I was a child that in order to create a doll like us, it must be made of the father's sperm and the mother's egg- sub-combination.

Then it becomes a fertilized egg in the mother's belly. At first, we are all just a small cell in the mother's belly, but this cell is very powerful.Through the gestation of our mother, we will gradually transform from cells into villains.Grow head, body, hands and feet.

When we first became little dolls, we were only as big as a fist, and as our mother conceived, we would grow bigger and bigger.In this process, our brains and internal organs will also tend to be perfected.That's how we were formed in Niangqin's womb. "

Seeing the mouths of the little buns turn into an O shape, Xiao Xuanxuan asked arrogantly: "And what I went to study today is how Daddy's dick appeared, and how did he get along with Mother?" Kiss the egg-child combination in the belly,
(End of this chapter)

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