Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1566 Finished eating...

Chapter 1566 Finished eating...

Almost as soon as a dish is served, one dish is destroyed.So far, I have eaten more than 40 dishes. The empty dishes have been piled up like a hill, but there are only three or four dishes on the table.

Seeing that they were sweeping up, accompanied by happy cheers, almost everyone was wondering whether the clothes on these people were stolen?so hungry...

The hall was completely surrounded, and many of these spectators knew Zhu Jintai, which made Mr. Zhu, who had become the central figure for people to watch, eager to dig a crack in the ground.

shame!What a shame!

The point is, how come they haven't been burst after eating so much?
In fact, the reason is very simple. The physique of the children who have experienced thunder calamity is no longer comparable to that of ordinary children or adults.

It's like Xiaobai, if you don't let him eat, he won't starve to death even after 80 years.But let it eat every day, no matter how much it eats, it will not feel particularly full.

Although it is impossible for a few little buns to be like Xiaobai, after being baptized by Lei Jie, starving them for ten or eight days will definitely not starve them to death. As for food, let alone let the six of them eat 72 dishes. Even a person, they can eat it.

It's just that in the palace on weekdays, their father and mother control their appetites, and they don't want to show that their children are different from ordinary people's children in front of others.

Although there were many people gathered in the lobby of Linjiang Building, the closer one got to the back, the fewer people spoke.Almost everyone was too shocked to speak, watching quietly.

Mr. Zhu also changed from feeling ashamed before to now with a blank mind.

At this moment, he didn't think about anything.Because his brain has been unable to transform.


After eating 72 dishes, six small buns and a little Bai Qiqi burped in a super comfortable way.

When eating in the palace, the master is always sitting, surrounded by countless eunuchs and maids, so facing the crowd in the hall, a few steamed buns are full of wine and food, and the brain is not enough, so I can’t react at all, and I regard this kind of crowd as a kind of Of course.

"Xiao Xuanxuan, there is oil all over your mouth! You really don't like to be clean! Oh, look, there is even oil on your little collar."

Bailiyue's words brought Zhu Jintai back to his senses, but the first time he came back to his senses, he was so nauseated by the chills that he wanted to vomit.

Xiaoxuanxuan?Small collar?Grass!
"Haha, you say me, you are not the same!" Qianye Shengxuan also laughed and teased Bailiyue: "You are just a little cat! Meow meow!"


There was a muffled sound, and it was Zhu Jintai who fell to the ground.

At the same time, deafening laughter erupted from Linjiang Tower.

These people are not laughing at the six little buns, but at Zhu Jintai, who has been brainwashed by sperm-worms for many years, and this time he met a talented person!

While the six little buns were sweeping the banquet, some high-ranking dignitaries ordered their servants to go out to inquire about it, and soon everyone knew that it was Zhu Jintai who knew that a group of people had come to Xijing City today. Handsome, beautiful women, and all of them are stunning.

So he couldn't sit still anymore, and sent someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the six people and came to Linjiang Tower.

Unexpectedly, although these women and men are indeed as rumored, their behavior seems to be a little... unspeakably weird.

(End of this chapter)

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