Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1570 Where are the people?

Chapter 1570 Where are the people?

Seeing that Mr. Zhu treated them fairly well, the little buns collectively decided not to punish him.

But Mr. Zhu started to lose his spirit when he heard that the little buns were only staying in Xijing for one day.The friend he made with great difficulty will leave tomorrow, which makes him feel very lost.

As for Bailiyue, Zhu Jintai swears that this is the most beautiful and purest girl he has ever seen in his life.He felt that he was not worthy of others.Because whenever he looked at Bailiyue's smiling eyes, the ugliness in his heart could not help but find a corner to hide.

He had never encountered this kind of situation before, but in front of Bailiyue, he just wanted to show his best side.

After visiting the temple fair, going on a lake tour, and eating almost all the snacks in Xiliang, the little buns were content to go back to the luxurious house in Linjiang Tower to sleep.

Fortunately, Zhu Jintai insisted on sending the little buns back to Linjiang Tower to settle down before leaving, otherwise the little buns would definitely be very unhappy at this moment.

Because the promised six rooms are now gone!The reason is that Mr. Cao brought two of his friends to stay in the two pre-booked Tianzi special rooms, but he was told by the shopkeeper of Linjiang Tower that Mr. Zhu had already occupied them and had already paid for the rooms.

Mr. Cao was furious, and immediately called the servants of the Cao family, and then packed up all the remaining rooms, including the room with the word "di", and waited to hit Mr. Zhu in the face.

When the little buns knew that their beautiful room was occupied by someone, they were very upset.

They were unhappy, and Mr. Zhu was even more unhappy.Without waiting for a few little buns to react, he had his servants drive out all six people who were staying in the Tianzi special room, and then let a few little buns live in without any explanation.

I don't know what benefits the shopkeeper Yuan got from the Cao family. After learning that the guests of the Cao family were kicked out, they refused to let a few little buns live in them.

Fortunately, Zhu's support team arrived, and under the command of the first dandy, they beat shopkeeper Yuan, so the other party didn't dare to say anything.

The little buns are not the ones who are afraid of getting into trouble, and even after the incident happened, all the children were eager to try.

They came to Xijing to collect the Guo family's money before Uncle Qingfeng went mad.So the shopkeeper of the Guo family refused to let them live, but they wanted to live.

With the benefit of Mr. Cao, the servants of the Cao family fought against the servants of the Zhu family without any psychological burden.Some even took advantage of Zhu Jintai's unpreparedness and directly entered the backyard of the Tianzi super room.

Outside, Mr. Zhu was fighting with the members of the Cao family. Seeing the family member of the Cao family running into the backyard with the guy, his eyes were red with anxiety.

No one knew what happened in the backyard of the special room that day, anyway, none of the people who rushed in with the guy came out, and the courtyard of the special room was quiet.

Later, shopkeeper Yuan, who really couldn't stand the fight between the two princes, simply reported to the officials.

When the people from the government arrived and found that it was the Zhu family and the Cao family who were fighting each other, they could only touch their noses in embarrassment, and then prepared to take the sons of the two families and their friends to the government.

When Zhu Jintai brought the government officials into the backyard very unwillingly, he was instantly dumbfounded.Not to mention dead people in this backyard, not even a dead dog can be seen.

A few little buns happened to be sitting in a courtyard playing chess in their spare time.

(Updated on August 4th)
(End of this chapter)

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