Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1637 The one you love is Ling Tian

Chapter 1637 The one you love is Ling Tian
"Feng Yun, don't worry, the primordial spirit in your body is only a small trace, even if your soul is gone, I will try my best to bring you back to life.

I just hope that when you and Ling Tian meet again one day, you can take another look at her, she is definitely a girl worthy of your love. "

"I just want to know... the time I was injured by the Soul Eater, was it you...or Ling Tian who accompanied me at night?"

He was hurt very badly that time, but it was that time that Caixia changed from a friend to an admirer in his heart.Because when he was seriously injured that night, it was Caixia who protected him with her body, hugged him, and protected him for a whole night.

At that time, he was seriously injured, and he only woke up once in a coma. In a daze, he only saw a jade pendant that Caixia carried with her.

Caixia protected him with her body, her tenderness and the softness of her body directly melted his heart.So since he recovered, he fell in love with Caixia out of control.

It's just that Caixia doesn't love him, and has always only regarded him as her best friend.He didn't understand why Caixia refused to accept his admiration and devotion alone, since Caixia didn't even want to be innocent for him.

At this moment, Feng Yun was very nervous, his heart was extremely complicated.

"It's Ling Tian. It's always been Ling Tian! I've hinted at you countless times, don't you know?" Caixia exclaimed, "Did you always think it was me?"

After hearing Caixia's words, Fengyun didn't know whether he should feel happy or sad at this moment.Happily, the person who took his heart away that night was Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian has always loved him with his life.

The sad thing is that such a good Ling Tian, ​​in order to make his spirit more solid and less vulnerable to attacks from the spirit, he carried him to the place where the nine yins gather to look for the Nine Life Soul Gathering Flower. He took advantage of the loophole and not only took away the flower that she had stolen with her life, but also directly beat her to death.

A drop of transparent tears slid down, Feng Yun raised his hand and pulled the red jade pendant on Caixia's waist.

"But...but that night...I clearly saw it!"

"The person who rescued you was indeed Ling Tian. I received Ling Tian's distress signal later, and then rushed over to rescue you from Soul Eater Valley. But that was already the next day.

Ling Tian told me about how she saved you the night before, when she told me about it, her face was full of sweetness.I am very happy that she can fall in love with you, and I sincerely wish you all, so I teased her for a long time.She was ashamed and didn't want me to tell you about this matter. In order to let me keep this secret, she gave me this red jade pendant that her father had just given her. "

Caixia also cried, her two best friends, they should have lived happily and sweetly with each other, but in the end they missed each other because of a jade pendant.

Ling Tian was beaten to nothing, and now Feng Yun is also to vanish. Did the two best and most cherished friends in her life really miss each other like this?
"Feng Yun, don't worry, I will help you find Ling Tian's Yuan Ling, and then put her Yuan Ling and your Yuan Ling together. When one day you can transform into adults again, no matter how time and space are wasted, in the end They must all come together.”

Feng Ming also came to Feng Yun's side, and when Empress Feng saw this, she immediately stepped aside to give the two brothers some time to spend together.

(End of this chapter)

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