Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1685 [Fanwai] I'm going to die

Chapter 1685 [Fanwai] I'm going to die

After all, no matter how many awesome cranes, they flew away.

A few friends have already matched Xiao Xuanxuan very proficiently, and they also flew away.

Their flying speed is crawling in the eyes of Taishang Laojun, and it is impossible for him to catch up.

"Hey..." Taishang Laojun shook his head, endured the swelling and pain in his heart, and caught up with Xiao Xuanxuan and his party in a flash.

"Oh, my little ancestors, can't I be wrong? Can't I apologize to you? If you go back like this and let the Emperor of Heaven and King Feng know that I bullied you, then my old bones can only be bullied. They broke it!"

Taishang Laojun cried and pretended to be pitiful, and said in his heart: These little bumpkins are really stingy, they are so hard to deal with!You cry, I cry too, see who is pitiful.He didn't believe that he was crying all his old bones, and he still couldn't deal with this little ancestor.

However, good spirits do not have bad spirits.Even though Taishang Laojun is so pitiful, and has already said that if the Emperor of Heaven and King Feng knew about this, his bones would be removed, Xiao Xuanxuan still looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and bowed weakly:
"Old gentleman, please calm down. It was Xiao Xuanxuan who was wrong. My friends and I ran amok. Laojun's boy should teach me a lesson. Laojun apologized to me. I feel very scared... Laojun You are a sage of the Sanqing, Xiao Xuanxuan is just a bumpkin who just came to heaven from the mortal world and knows nothing..." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xuanxuan lowered his head, looking quite at a loss.

The old man helped the forehead.

He lost!Give up!This Caixia was already difficult to deal with, but now that she has a child, it is even more difficult to deal with.

"Come on, come on, Ming people don't say dark words, come on, what are you doing in my Tushita Palace?"

He is more pitiful than this brat, he has absolutely no virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young, I really don't know how Caixia and Fengming teach their children.

Xiao Xuanxuan was at a loss what to do a moment ago, but at this moment, after hearing what Taishang Laojun said, he immediately raised his head and said loudly: "I came to ask Laojun grandpa for tens of thousands of pills."


The sound of Laojun falling from the air to the ground.

"Ouch, hello——" Laojun has only been out for a short while, and he has said "Ouch, hello" countless times.This time, it's true.

He was really hurt by the fall.

Xiao Xuanxuan quickly gave Xiao Yueyue a wink, and after Xiaoyue received it, she immediately flew to the ground with Xiao Xuanxuan, helping Lao Jun up from left to right.

"Grandpa Laojun, please slow down. Although you are a god, you are an old man after all. You should not do such dangerous actions in the future."

"Stinky boy, where did I do this? I was clearly scared out of you!" Laojun yelled at Xiao Xuanxuan, and the spittle was blown away by the wind.

Xiao Xuanxuan frowned in disgust: "Grandpa Laojun, can you speak well? Your saliva is sprayed on my face!"

"Speak well? You little bastard, you dare to ask me to speak well? You have killed me, how can I talk to you well?"

Xiao Xuanxuan said aggrievedly: "Grandpa Laojun, I like you so much, how could I kill you? I just want tens of thousands, 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands of pills. Grandpa and grandpa said, Laojun, you have the most various pills in this heaven, and there are hundreds of thousands of pills, how can they be connected with your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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