Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1701 [Extra] Looking for Xiaobai's father

Chapter 1701 [Extra] Looking for Xiaobai's father
Although they decided to help Xiao Xuanxuan wholeheartedly after Xiao Xuanxuan gave them the elixir, but this does not mean that they are happy to move forward knowing that it is a dead end!
"Uncle Tiangang, don't worry, I won't make fun of your lives. At that time, you put us outside the Taotie territory, and we will go in by ourselves."

"Little prince, what do you think of us? Are we the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? I just said that because I wanted you to know the cruelty and power of the gluttonous king. Once we are discovered by the gluttonous king, we will run away." Chances are slim.

But if Xiao Shizi must go in, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, we will definitely accompany Xiao Shizi in! "

"Uncle Tiangang, you misunderstood Xiao Xuanxuan's words. Xiaobai and I are best friends. Xiaobai grew up with me and is a part of our family.

Although it was wrong for my mother to abduct Xiaobai back then, I don't blame my mother at all.Because without Xiaobai, my childhood would not have been so happy.

Xiaobai left home and was separated from his parents since he was a child. Now that I know Xiaobai's father, how can I take a detour regardless of Xiaobai's feelings?I believe that Xiaobai's father will be very happy to see Xiaobai, and I also believe that Xiaobai will be very happy to see his father.

My mother is Xiaobai's mother, and Xiaobai's father is my father.So no matter how angry the Taotie king is, I must personally send Xiaobai home.

But before sending Xiaobai home, we have to bring Xiaobai back to life quickly so that he can get better.Let's find 500 magic cores now! "

Xiao Xuanxuan's words drew enthusiastic nods from a group of little buns.

Xiaobai blew himself up to save them, and their growth cannot be separated from Xiaobai's company.So Xiaobai's family is their family.Even if King Taotie wants to eat them all, they still have to take Xiaobai to meet his father.

The Great Sage of Tiangang and the other elders of the Crane Clan looked at each other, and after seeing affirmative answers in each other's eyes, they said, "Little prince, since you have already decided to go to the Taotie King, why don't we just go directly to him now?" Bar."

"But Xiaobai has become like this, if King Taotie sees it, he will definitely be very angry."

"Xiao Shizi does not know that the 500 magic cores are just the lowest level of monster cores in the beast mountain range. Even if you kill 500 mice in the beast mountain range and let Xiaobai absorb them, it can still come back to life Because Xiaobai's Yuanling has been blessed with the blessing of life by the Emperor of Heaven.

But 500 low-level magic cores are not as good as the magic cores of 10 first-level monsters, or half of the magic cores of second-level monsters.That is to say, the higher the grade of the magic core, the better it will be for Xiaobai's recovery.

Now that you have decided to go to King Taotie, why not ask King Taotie to rescue Xiaobai.King Taotie is one of the four kings of this beast mountain range, and he definitely has a lot of high-level magic cores in his hands. I believe that King Taotie will never treat Xiaobai badly. "

The words of Tiangang Dasheng made the eyes of the little buns brighten.

"Uncle Tiangang, do you mean that as long as Xiaobai absorbs more and more magic cores, the recovery will be better for him?" Bailichen asked.


"Then let's go directly to Xiaobai's father!" Xiao Yueyue concluded at the end.

At this moment, the hearts of the elders of the Crane Clan were warm.

(End of this chapter)

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