Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1808 [Fan Wai] Chi Yan Exits

Chapter 1808 [Fan Wai] Chi Yan Exits


At the moment when the protective cover was being ground, the Great Elder let out a howl of extreme pain, and then he was surrounded by a seemingly inconspicuous ball of light that expanded rapidly after attacking the target.

The gray light ball is getting bigger and brighter, and the cry of the Great Elder is getting more and more painful and farther away.

Under the powerful attack of the ball of light, the Great Elder's body broke through the roof of Gu King Palace like a kite with a broken thread, and flew towards the sky obliquely in front.

Ming's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes showed a fierce light, and he flew to follow.

In line with the purpose of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, he mercilessly directed another burst of force at the Great Elder who was already surrounded by gray light.

I saw Ming dancing in the air like a madman, and sent out countless palms to the Great Elder one after another.The light brought out by each palm is comparable to that deadly sneak attack just now.

The Great Elder still screamed when he received the first three palms, but since the fourth palm, he hasn't made any more noises.

If he was like a kite with a broken string at the beginning, then under Ming's crazy attack, he is like a lifeless meat ball, not only has no power to parry and fight back, even the resistance in the air is not as good .

But Ming didn't let it go, and continued to slam on the Great Elder.

After dozens of slaps, Ming's attack did not stop until the first slap hit the Great Elder into the sky, until he fell to the ground.

At this moment, even she herself could not see the figure of the great elder.

It wasn't until then that Ming felt that he really seemed a little crazy.

In terms of her millions of years of skill, just one palm can definitely make him seriously injured, two palms can definitely cut off his meridians, and three palms can definitely make his soul fly away.

But now that Chi Yan has woken up, regardless of whether she succeeds or not in her actions on Chi Yan, the Great Elder must die.Otherwise, once Chi Yan knew that she was having an affair with the Great Elder, he would definitely tear her up with his violent temper.

So at this time, he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. For her, it was the best time to kill him.

She has never liked to show her strength to others, no matter who she faces, even if it is her favorite and the one who loves her the most, she will always hold back.

Regardless of whether it was the red flame poisoning Gu or the death of the great elder, it all proved that her approach was absolutely correct.

Because I don't know her strength, I don't take a small person like her to heart.

These strong people don't understand the truth that sometimes ants can kill elephants.

The war between elephants and elephants is often impossible to touch life and death, because they are too strong, evenly matched or between a strong and a weak, everyone will judge the situation.

Only when facing ants like her, they will not have any worries, and they will even have a basic understanding of the enemy.

So no matter who she faces, she will pretend to be weak.In this way, when she wants to deal with someone, she can succeed with one blow almost every time.

The Great Elder had been with her for so long, yet he hadn't even realized this.In this regard, she said she deserved it very much!
At the edge of the sky, a bright red light shook, Ming turned his head and looked back, it was the direction of the magic palace of the eighteenth floor of hell.

Chi Yan's strength is really extraordinary, the light has actually passed through the space, illuminating the seventeenth floor of hell.

Seeing the shock of the red light, Ming's heart suddenly tightened.

Now, she is about to face the greatest test of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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