Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1827 [Fan Wai] All Beasts Worship

Chapter 1827 [Fan Wai] All Beasts Worship

Heavenly Emperor and Feng Ming were exerting force outside, and Zhan Xintang was exerting force inside, but the seemingly weak barrier was always glowing faintly like that, without any sign of damage.

At this time, under the call of the Emperor of Heaven, more than [-] gods from the fairy world descended.They were distributed around the barrier, and immediately joined the ranks of breaking the barrier.

Although the magic power of these more than 50 gods has been combined for millions of years, each of the gods practiced different exercises, and they could not be integrated with each other. Although the magic power is boundless, it is stronger than the magic power of the enchantment. Much stronger, but unable to break the barrier in a short time.

Everyone was secretly surprised, Princess Yunyue was a well-known rookie in the heavenly court, although Qimen gossip and alchemy were very powerful, but her magic power made people feel sad, and no one could teach her mana.

How come the mana is so powerful after 3000 years of calamity in the lower realm?
You must ask this girl another day, if possible, they will also go to the lower realm. With 150 million years of mana, except for the immortals who have gone to the Western Paradise, no one in today's fairy world can match her mana.

The Queen Mother and Caixia waited anxiously outside, walking around like two headless flies.

Caixia was wronged to death, just now her father, queen mother and her family Feng Ming rushed down from the heaven with a large group of people, and she was still cleaning up his family's little devil king.

Hearing that they had sensed that Yun Yue was about to give birth, she immediately happily followed them and flew towards the foggy forest.

On the way, she had already been taught by her father and mother, saying that her younger sister was about to give birth, and she, as an older sister, should follow her at any time and not let her run around.

She really wanted to say, now Yun Yue's personality is completely different from before, she has more personality than her, how could it be like before, following her ass all day long?
But think about it, this girl is really a typical death.

It was obvious that she was already in labor, not to mention practicing alone in the misty forest every day, and even set up an enchantment to hide from the quiet.

No wonder her Xiaoxuanxuan always said that she couldn't find her aunt. After a long time, she even cast a spell to hide herself.

This stinky girl, how much does she dislike her Xiaoxuanxuan?

After the little thing in her stomach comes out, see if she still dislikes it!Even if she hates it, let's see where she can go to hide herself!

But for now... Let's pray for Father Wang and Feng Ming to open the barrier quickly.Otherwise, she really can only give birth in the forest by herself.

Asking two men to deliver her... It's scary to think about it.

An hour passed, and the barrier already felt loose, and some cracks even began to appear in some places.

At this time, it was almost evening in the human world, and the red afterglow shone in the misty forest. From the shade of the trees, bits and pieces of red sprinkled on the ground, reflecting warm red.

Suddenly, the birds and beasts in the forest sang together, and the birds gathered around the foggy forest in excitement, gradually forming a circle.The beasts on the ground automatically gathered around the tent, sitting on the slightly damp ground and waiting patiently.

A piece of red light slowly gathered above the foggy forest and became brighter and brighter. There was also an endless rainbow in the corner of the red light.

In the brilliance of the rainbow, a ruddy and transparent jewel-like light poured down from the red cloud quickly, without being hindered by the barrier at all, and directly submerged into the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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