Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1830 [Extra] Complete Family

Chapter 1830 [Extra] Complete Family

Seeing the baby's big tears falling down, the two felt extremely distressed.Especially Di, who quickly hugged the baby in his arms to comfort him.

"Baby, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Be good, don't cry, uncle loves baby, baby don't cry!"


The baby stopped crying in horror, and slipped out of Di's arms, curling his small cherry red mouth, two super big tears hung in the corners of his eyes and forgot to fall.

Seeing the baby looking at him so horribly, Di Weiwei was taken aback.

Did he... did he say something wrong?

The baby stared at Di for a long time, and saw that he didn't feel remorse at all. Dudu's small mouth was slowly drawn into a straight line, and then the two ends of the straight line slowly drooped down.

Di's eyes widened in an instant, his lips curled, his lips curled, and the baby curled his lips again!
The baby also looked at Di, to see if he had any regrets.

No, the mouth curled down a little.

Not yet, let's leave a little more.

The baby is so pitiful, the baby's mother doesn't recognize the baby anymore.When the baby was in the womb, the mother was so gentle to him, but now that she tricked the baby out of the womb, she doesn't want the baby anymore!

It's clearly my mother, but he just said that he is an uncle...

Babies don't want uncles, babies want mothers!

Doesn't mother know that the first person a baby sees when he opens his eyes is the most important thing?

The first people he saw when he opened his eyes were his mother and father.But my mother didn't recognize him.

The baby is going to be an orphan...

Thinking of this, the baby cried again with a "wow".This time, he was really sad.

He has an unhappy family.In the family, his mother and father don't love each other, and they don't even love the cute baby.Not only do they not love the baby, but the mother doesn't even recognize the baby's identity.

Isn't he her baby, isn't he a child who jumped out of a crack in the rock?
While crying, the baby accused his mother with pitiful eyes.

He swears that he will definitely have a psychological shadow in the future!
Di was forced by the baby's eyes to commit suicide and apologize.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Tell uncle what you want? Uncle will definitely fulfill the baby's wish."

Di frantically comforted the baby. If possible, he would rather pick off all the sun, moon and stars from the sky and give them to him. He only hoped that he would not cry so pitifully in his arms.

Di's words not only failed to comfort the baby, but made the baby cry even harder.

Woooooo~ Baby don't want anything!Babies want a complete home!The baby wants a mother!The baby wants a daddy!Baby, don't be a little baby whose mother doesn't love him and whose father doesn't love him!

But although he is a fairy baby, he has just been born, and there are so many depressions and desires and dissatisfaction in his heart, but he can't express it with his mouth.


Zhan Xintang, who had been carefully observing and thinking for a long time at the side, finally understood, took the baby from Di's arms, and patiently explained to him:

"Baby, look, he is an uncle. Although he is very beautiful, he is a man, not a mother. Your mother is behind you, and she is looking at you!"

The baby who was still crying a moment ago stopped crying instantly under Zhan Xintang's explanation, and the rain turned overcast.

Follow Dad's finger, behind him, a very beautiful woman is looking at him expectantly.

Although two packs of tears were still brewing in his eyes, the baby's expression had already changed from cloudy to sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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