Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1849 [Extra] My chapter is here

Chapter 1849 [Extra] I'm back

As long as she is given the slightest chance, she will seize this opportunity and try her best to infiltrate until she finds her husband.

Staring at Chi Yan, Yun Yue's heart turned rapidly, thinking about how to speak.

In the end, she decided to wait for Chi Yan to speak first.

He must have something to do when he came to her, otherwise he wouldn't have suddenly appeared in front of her at this time.

Only when she heard what he wanted from her, could she be targeted.

Seeing Yunyue just looking at him like this without saying a word, Chi Yan knew that he had committed a serious crime, and his Yue'er became angry.

After being with Yun Yue, she has almost never been angry with him. Since they knew each other for 5000 years, they have lived like glue every day.Now after seeing him, she didn't say a word, Chi Yan's heart was cold.

Finally, when Yun Yue's heart was about to jump out of her chest, when she felt that all her blood had flowed backwards into her head and was about to break through her forehead, Chi Yan finally spoke.


A sound of Yun Yue's thunderous heart suddenly stopped, and at that moment, Yun Yue felt unreal happiness.The eyes were sour, and the eye sockets were already red.

All of Yun Yue's expressions were seen by Chi Yan, and her heart ached.

Now he understood Yun Yue's eyes.

His Yue'er has not changed, she has been standing where they left, waiting for his return.

She wasn't angry with him, her eyes told him that as long as he came back, it would be fine.

All the explanations and confessions were swallowed by Chi Yan, and finally turned into one sentence——

"I am back!"

Two big teardrops fell from Yun Yue's eye sockets, and then, the tears flowed down like a stream, soaking into Chi Yan's heart.

The small stream mixed with the already surging blood all over the body, forming a raging flood that overflowed in the heart, and it was out of control.

There are no redundant words, and there is no need, just the sentence "I'm back" is enough!

3000 years of waiting, 3000 years of calamity, all she wanted in exchange was this sentence!

The next moment, the two of them hugged each other tightly.

They hugged each other tightly, even though they were almost unable to breathe, they still refused to let go of their tightly clasped hands.It was as if he wanted to rub the other person into his body, blend into his blood, and become one with himself.

The moon is as big as a disc, hanging not far from the window.

The soft light poured down like mercury, sprinkled on the two people hugging each other tightly in the room, so harmonious and warm.

In the darkness, the faces of the two could not be seen clearly, only the crystals shining brightly from the eyelashes one by one, and then fell rapidly, falling onto the back of each other's embracing hands, laying down strings like silk of light.

After a long time, a strong nasal voice sounded again.

"I was wrong! Yue'er, I was wrong!
I shouldn't take the risk of refining hell magma on my own, and I shouldn't listen to you and expose myself to danger.

After being infected by a gu, I shouldn't drive you back to investigate the truth of the world by yourself and be deceived.

I shouldn't have fought Zhan Xintang without giving an explanation when he came down to arrest me.

If it weren't for my arrogance and conceit, the man behind the scenes would never have had a chance to hurt us, and we wouldn't have been separated for 3000 years...

Today, I almost hurt you because of that disgusting bug, and I still hugged her in front of you and left.I... I'm fucking damned! "

(End of this chapter)

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