Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1894 [Extra] Dog bites dog 5

Chapter 1894 [Extra] Dog bites dog 5
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At first, even the great elder squatting next to Ming didn't notice it until he heard the sound of sizzling on the skin and white foul-smelling smoke coming out, then he realized that as long as there was a wound on this man's face or body Countless Gu worms gushed out of the place.

These Gu worms are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, they burrowed out of their skin in groups, and just touched the air, they were evaporated into white smoke and died in the air.

The corner of the Great Elder's eyebrows twitched, and with a wave of his hand when casting a spell, thousands of cracks appeared on Ming's skin.

Just like the situation just now, once these cracks are formed, those black bugs will rush out from the wound, and then evaporated by the air, emitting a foul-smelling white smoke.

Even the palace maids and demon soldiers who grew up in the demon world, after seeing Ming's appearance, they all gave a low growl in fright, and retreated one after another, for fear that if one of these disgusting insects died, they would suddenly crawl on them.

However, these are still insignificant.

After the countless disgusting Gu worms crawled out from the wound, they were evaporated by the air.Slowly, the Gu worms in the skin disappeared.

Everyone was surprised to find that the skin of Gu King, who was as white as jade before and his skin was as fat as fat, now with the disappearance of the Gu insects, those skins that had not been scratched by the great elder began to slowly turn black, and even the scratched skin was also gone. Started to show a different complexion.

Not only that, the originally graceful figure, even when he became a man, could only make people sigh "monster". After the skin turned black, he began to gradually gain weight and swell.The whole body is oily and slippery, and pus-like mucus is constantly oozing from the skin.

It's like every Gu worm crawling out of the body, black, fleshy, stained with blood and skin tissue, so sticky...


Seeing Ming who suddenly became so disgusted, the maids and magic soldiers began to vomit.

Before she drank those rotten monster viscera and blood, while they were disgusted, they also wondered why such a beautiful person always likes to drink such disgusting things.

Now, all doubts are resolved.

Because she is such a disgusting species, of course she would like such disgusting things.

The Great Elder, who was still pinching Ming's chin with his hands, let go of his hands instantly in disgust, and took a few steps back, covering his nose unbearably because of the stench of the white smoke.

However, the moment he covered his nose, his face turned pale instantly, and he immediately removed the hand covering his nose in disgust, and then used cleaning techniques to clean his hands thoroughly.

Nima, forgot to pinch her just now.As a result, when he went to cover his nose and mouth again, he suddenly smelled a foul smell on his hands.

Even though the cleansing technique has been used and there is no peculiar smell on his hands, when recalling the smell of Fangcai, the Great Elder, who did not change his face even though he was ashamed to the top of Mount Tai, still retched non-stop from the strong smell.

Nima is so disgusting!It's so fucking disgusting!

The Great Elder retched while thinking about how he had been sleeping with such a disgusting creature for the past five years...


Finally, the Great Elder couldn't bear it anymore, left the seriously injured Ming, ran to the side and vomited wildly.

He now knew why after Ming had done so many unreasonable things to Chi Yan and Yun Yue, Chi Yan, the devil emperor, didn't even bother to do it and let him do it for him.

(End of this chapter)

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