Miss Jiangmen Poison Doctor

Chapter 1897 [Fanwai] Antarctica with flesh and blood

Chapter 1897 [Fanwai] Antarctica with flesh and blood

Turning his head to the crowd, everyone was still immersed in retching one after another. Among the crowd, there was a family who was very eye-catching and was drinking the fine wine with relish.

This is the finest nectar and jade liquid in the heavenly court. Even the gods in the fairy world do not often drink it.

Today, in order to celebrate the baby's birth, the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother deliberately took out the fine nectar and jade liquid they had treasured.

Just now, because there are too many fairy houses, I am not willing to take them out.

Now, the two saw the timing of everyone's nausea, and immediately ordered someone to bring out a little.

Even if it's a little bit, even if it's the finest nectar, even if it's really rare among the immortals, but after watching such a disgusting "good show", who still has the appetite? !

Everyone complained about the stinginess of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, and retched again as they looked at the fine nectar.

There were only three members of Caixia's family. After the fine nectar and jade liquid was taken out, they drank cup after cup, as if drinking white water.

The corners of Chi Yan's eyebrows twitched again: She really deserves to be Yun Yue's sister!
This family is awesome!
"Everyone, Yun'er and I were going to hold a big wedding five years ago, but due to treachery, we couldn't make it happen. Today, on the auspicious day of my son's birth, I extend an invitation to everyone again. After five days, please come to the devil Palace as a guest to witness my wedding with Yun Yue."

It was indeed he who ordered the people in the Demon Realm to prepare for the big wedding. Even though he had just left the Demon Realm, he did not let people stop the preparations for the big wedding.

This wedding was something he should have promised Yun Yue a long time ago.

Although five days is very short, but it has been 5000 years. He and Yun Yue have waited for 5000 years for this wedding, and he doesn't want to wait anymore.

He wanted to arrange the grandest and most perfect wedding venue in the shortest possible time.He wanted Yun Yue to marry Chi Yan as his wife amidst everyone's blessings.

Everyone congratulated upon receiving Chi Yan's invitation.

However, there are also a small number of people who are extremely melancholy.

I just gave a congratulatory gift for the birth of a child, and I'm going to give a big wedding gift five days later, I really can't stand it!
Amid everyone's blessings, the crowd gradually dispersed.

After asking Caixia's family to help see off the guests, Yun Yue walked towards a person standing alone under the moonlight.

On the sculpted face, the thick black eyebrows slanted into the temples, and the eyes under the sword eyebrows, although with deep emotions, are still cold enough to freeze everything.Under the shining eyes, whether it is the straight nose or the sexy thin lips, they are all impeccably delicate.The whole face is tantamount to a stroke of magic.Between his brows, the arrogance as if the world is so big and I am the only one, gave him an air of king that he dare not underestimate.

He was still as cold as ice, like a thousand-year-old iceberg, but what was different from before was that there were many emotions condensed on his body.

He is already a flesh-and-blood Antarctic fairy!

No, it should be said that he was originally an Antarctic fairy with flesh and blood, but he didn't know how to express or release such emotions before, but now, he understands.

Yun Yue walked up to Nanji Xianjun, stood side by side with him, and stared at the moon in the distant sky.

After a long time, Yun Yue said, "Nanji, thank you."

"No need to thank you. I have planned to go through the catastrophe in the lower realm a long time ago, but I just never had the guts to do so."

"Courage?" Yun Yue raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that there are other reasons for your experience in the lower realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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